Posts Tagged“best of”

Best of 2021: Sewing Edition!

Best of 2021: Sewing Edition!

Every time a new year rolls around, when the noisemakers have been put away and the champagne headache has worn off, I like to take some time to reflect on the year before me. Usually, I go through the major milestones from each month, reflecting on all that came to pass. This year I’ve decided to do something different – which is to reflect on some of my favorite sewing projects from 2021. Cause let’s be honest…not much else of note was able to happen!

2019: A Year in Review

2019: A Year in Review - The Dressed Aesthetic

And just like that, we’ve bid farewell to 2019 (and the 2010’s) and started a new decade. When I was a kid, time would never move fast enough – I simply couldn’t wait for the next milestone. For my birthday, for summer vacation, for the single of sleigh bells signaling Santa was on his way. Nowadays, time moves so quickly I practically get whiplash, and all I want to do is slow it down. It’s crazy to think another year has passed.

2018: A Year In Review

2018: A Year In Review - The Dressed Aesthetic

Happy New Year! Well, here we are yet again, at the start of another year. It feels like on the dawn of a New Year, we should be full of Big Thoughts and Big Plans. But, I have to admit I’ve been enjoying a LOT of down time. And with down time comes available minutes for the things you forgot about throughout the year – sleeping in, sipping lazy coffees, binge-watching Mrs. Maisel or indulging in cheesy romantic comedies, and reading a book for the fun of it.Ā I’m not one for making resolutions (because New Years is somewhat arbitrary), but…