Posts Tagged“coutura vintage”

Forward Momentum

Forward Momentum - The Dressed Aesthetic

Despite the fact that it’s 90 degrees outside, the minute the fall semester starts, my brain immediately clicks into autumn mode, and my wardrobe quickly follows suit. I think it’s been this way since childhood – whether the crisp temperatures have caught up or not, there is just a feeling that comes with a new school year. Without fail, late August always brought with it shiny new trapper keepers and as-yet-unused pens. Fresh fears and new possibilities. You can practically clock the smell of the academic anxiety as clearly as a you can identify the smell of new box of…

{Sewing} Where There’s a Will,
There’s a Way: Making a 3D Belt

Where There's a Will, There's a Way - The Dressed Aesthetic

You never know what’s going to draw you to a certain piece. We all have a penchant for something. Some of us swoon for 1940’s shoulders, others for border prints, others for 1970’s flare. Regardless of how you choose to adorn yourself, there will usually be certain things that catch your eye in a garment that instantly make you start to style it about 8 different ways in your head.

Two’s a Charm

Two's a Charm - The Dressed Aesthetic

Although I am an equal opportunity 1950’s huntress, there are a few things in particular that make me weak in the knees. Uber full skirts. Border prints. AppliquĆ©. But, I cannot deny that vintage trompe l’oeil (or prints that deceive the eye) steal my heart every time. 2D prints designed to look like ribbons or ruffles and bows – I will literally start salivating. I knew I loved this style of artistry before I even knew it had a name. I have been lucky enough to slowly add trompe l’oeil prints to my collection over the years (case in point…

Rabbit Fever

Rabbit Fever - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve oddly found myself drawn to rabbit-themed items lately – it’s inexplicable, as Easter is months away and, although fluffy and cute, I’m not sure I would even count bunnies in my Top 10 list of animals. And yet, this Kate Spade handbag somehow hippity-hopped off of the cyber pages and onto my arm recently.Ā AndĀ my very-favorite whimsical Irregular Choice bunny wedges seemed to shout at me from inside my closet this morning. What the bunny foo foo is going on?