Posts Tagged“fashion”

{Review} eShakti Birds on a Wire

{Review} eShakti Bird on a Wire - The Dressed Aesthetic

As we’ve become fully entrenched in cooler temperatures, I’ve been on the hunt for more winter-friendly pieces. Personally, my winter wardrobe tends to be my summer wardrobe with tights and a cardigan. But, now that we’ve dipped below freezing a few times, I’m keeping my eyes out for sleeved dresses to ease the blow a bit (but a dress nonetheless. I am still ME after all). Because I have such a long torso, I often struggle with finding dresses with sleeves that don’t feel constricting. As I’ve said many times in the past – enter a site like eShakti, where…

After Midnight

After Midnight - The Dressed Aesthetic

We all know the timeless story of Cinderella. And whenever I think of it, it always conjures up images of the fairy tale. The gorgeous gown, the jeweled slippers, dancing with the handsome prince in a grand ballroom. But, I’m just as interested in the time after the clock chimes midnight. Where the coach turns back into a pumpkin. Where Cinderella goes home, kicks off her glass slipper and rubs her aching feet, takes off her bra and becomes the vulnerable, fresh-faced version of herself again.

She Wears Her Heart on Her Knees

She Wears Her Heart on Her Knees - The Dressed Aesthetic

There is one thing to be said for cold weather: it lets me bust out some of my favorite accessories and winter styling! I have quite the collection of tights and every year I completely forget about them until winter rolls around. And then it’s like Christmas all over again! These tights are a recent addition to The Collection – and they’ve definitely been put to good use these past few weeks!

What the Muff!?!

What the Muff?!? - The Dressed Aesthetic

Last week the unthinkable happened: It snowed in North Carolina! As true southerners, the entire city panicked: it was coined it a Frozen Cyclone Bomb and the world shut down for two days. Now, being someone who grew up in Boston, I had to laugh a little at the reaction to what was about 3 inches of snow (and admittedly some pretty icy road conditions). But, I can’t say I minded staying snuggled indoors with my Mister, enjoying the last of the homemade cheesecake and Christmas leftovers, with the wintery wonderland swirling outside our window.

Go Bright or Go Home

Go Bright or Go Home - The Dressed Aesthetic

I think for a lot of people, winter is a time for neutrals. It’s where I most often see black, dark browns, and taupes gracing the walkways. Occasionally I catch a glimpse of a cherry red coat here and there, but cold seems to invite layers of chocolate and navy. Of the somber and grey. As you’ve probably guessed, I’m not very good at playing by winter’s rules…

{Favorites} A Year in the Life 2017

{Favorites} A Year in the Life 2017

Happy New Year friends! As another year passes, it’s only natural to look back on the year before at everything that’s come to pass – the good, the bad, the crazy. And I am forever grateful each year for my personal slice of web space, which allows me to return to a time in my life instantly. Where I just have to look at a certain dress and be transported back to exactly how I felt at that moment in time.

Jingle Bells

Jingle Bells - The Dressed Aesthetic

There is no other time of year imbued with more magic than Christmas. It feels like the minute December 1st hits, everywhere starts to take on a bit of extra sparkle (and a bit of extra frenetic energy that only the stress of Christmas shopping can bring). By some miracle, I managed to finish my Christmas shopping last week and all things that needed to be shipped are safely in their intended destinations. Which gives me just enough time to sip cocoa and soak up a bit of Christmas magic.

Ace of Spades

Ace of Spades - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve always loved clothing that has a bit of cheekiness about it. Particularly if the whimsy isn’t instantly obvious till you get up close. It’s probably one of the reasons why I love novelty prints and appliqué so much. I mean, if you can’t have fun with your clothing, then why bother getting dressed at all, right?

White After Labor Day

White After Labor Day - The Dressed Aesthetic

I think the first fashion rule I ever remember learning was “Don’t wear white after Labor Day.” Bearing in mind, this was in the 80’s/early 90’s, where anything went. Multi-layers of neon push socks, side ponytails, tight rolled jeans. And as I sloshed the electric blue eyeshadow on my lids and searched for my brightest barbie-pink lipstick, I could hear the rule clanging around in my brain. And even my pre-teen self questioned it: why the heck not?