Posts Tagged“fashion”

No Shrinking Violet

No Shrinking Violet - The Dressed Aesthetic

There are a lot of questions I feel are highly inappropriate, yet are asked almost daily of most women. I’m sure we all face them – ranging from what our salary is to what dress size we wear to when we’re getting married to when our womb is going to start busting out children. Statements that are made to clearly tell us the things we should have. Should want. Pointing us towards what is normal, with the implication being what is most certainly not normal. And although many of us have found ways to pivot when those questions arise, there…

Phish Food

Phish Food - The Dressed Aesthetic

Well, it happened again. Some manner of pants found their way onto my person. And the culprit, yet again, Voodoo Vixen. I simply couldn’t help myself when their bevy of adorable jumpsuits and playsuits hit the cyber waves this past season! And this daisy-trimmed cutie was no exception. From the color to the cut to the flouncy shorts, I knew this one was going to be an instant favorite.

The Fairytale…

The Fairytale - The Dressed Aesthetic

I was never really that little girl who always dreamed about her wedding. I didn’t envisage myself as princess Diana, I never had a fantasy of a white knight. I’d never planned my wedding down to each detail, just waiting for the character of Groom to be slotted in. I didn’t even really know what I wanted for my engagement ring (and it wasn’t until I saw the one that my Mr. had designed that I knew it was what I had wanted all along). It’s amazing, for someone who thinks so much about her daily wardrobe that I really…

Brain Freeze

Last week marked the official start to the semester. Back to working in hyperdrive, racing around as fast as my heels can carry me, trying to keep up with teaching and forever at the mercy of the undergrads. I’ve also introduced 3 new students into the lab this semester. I have a feeling that the biggest lesson they’ll learn from me in the next four months is: It’s really really really hard to set up a lab!

Lucky Bug

Lucky Bug - The Dressed Aesthetic

I am not a gal who can resist a novelty print. Especially one you can’t quite see what it is until you get up close. It’s imbued with a sort of magic – as if it has a hidden secret you can only whisper in close proximity. I’ve seen this amazing clover dress with those magical, sporadic ladybugs a few times now in my vintage adventures. And yet, it was never quite right. She was either way too small or I was way too slow. And because I’m a believer in vintage karma, I knew I just had to wait…

Shop My Closet Sale!

Shop My Closet #3 - The Dressed Aesthetic

Morning lovelies! This is just a quick note to let you know I’m putting my recent closet purge (and anything from previous purges) on sale for the week to try to make room for new vintage beauties! Everything @shopdressedappscloset is 20% off the listed price through until Friday. Discount will be reflected when invoiced. If there was anything you’ve had your eye on, now it the time to snag it. Happy Shopping!   xoxo   . instagram // twitter // facebook // pinterest Follow . SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave

Hat’s Off

Hat's Off - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve never really been a hat person. There are a million reasons for this, not the least of which is my abnormally large head (I swear, most hats sit on top of my head. Literally, perched). Truth is, I’ve never been a fan of how I looked in hats. I’ve branched out a few times for the perfect vintage hat (case in point), but it’s definitely been a fashion category I have yet to fully exploit.

Lust List #25

Lust List #25 - The Dressed Aesthetic

A few weeks back I had my annual closet clearout. It’s always such a good feeling to pass on things you no longer wear to fellow vintage-lovers who can be another chapter in their story. But, as my husband always says, it’s not really a closet clearout. It’s really a “Make Room for New Dresses.” He clearly doesn’t know me at all…

Parasol Parade

Parasol Parade - The Dressed Aesthetic

There’s a big part of me that gets a complete kick out of dressing in themes. And I don’t mean in a costume sense (though I can rock a Dorothy moment like nobodies’ business). I mean that if I see a seaside print I start having visions of starfish necklaces and glittery seafoam heels. Florals instantly have me reaching for a butterfly purse. Red gingham and I simply can’t help but don my apple necklace and a basket bag, just to look like a human picnic.