Posts Tagged“hand-painted”

Girl on Fire

Girl on Fire - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way, but I swear summer days move more quickly than winter days. And I don’t just mean in a daylight savings type of way, but more a blink-and-you-miss-it-because-summer-is-much-more-fun type of way. Summer afternoons zip happily by in a fiery swirl of lazy cocktails, BBQs, and travel, without a care in the world. On the other hand, winter days crawl forward inch by frozen inch, reaching for a tomorrow that always feels just out of reach.

Wearable Art by Jenny Dame

Rosy-Cheeked: Wearable Art by Jenny Dame - The Dressed Aesthetic

There’s always that moment in the dead of winter where you start to see forward to Spring. Yet, there’s no actual benchmark for it. No physical moment you can point to. Slippers are very much a part of the daily routine, you still wake up to frost lining the windows, and coffee is as much a warming device as it is a caffeination mechanism. And yet it happens every year. You can feel the stirrings of a new season making its way up through frozen ground, pushing her arms upward, whispering that Spring will be here soon.

The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree - The Dressed Aesthetic

When I was little, one of my favorite books was The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. If you’ve never read it, it’s a story about a boy and a tree who are the best of friends. As the boy gets older, he spends less and less time with the tree, only to return at subsequent intervals to lament his life and seek happiness. The tree gives and gives of herself to the boy…from her apples, to her branches, leaving nothing but a stump at the end for the boy to sit on. But, with each gift, it ends with the…

Rock Around the Clock

Rock Around the Clock - The Dressed Aesthetic

A huge part of the last few months of our lives has been in redefinition. Redefining Normal. Redefining a successful day at work. Redefining a Friday Night.Ā And, most recently: redefining a reason for having a dance party. Reason being: I simply needed it. And I have Trunk of Dresses and this spectacular hand painted vintage skirt to thank forĀ a moment of pure, indescribable joy as I twirled and jived and forgot the world for a moment or two in my garden…

Flower Power

Flower Power - The Dressed Aesthetic

More and more lately, I have found myself reaching out to people who can do amazing things I have no idea how to do. Artists whose art is very different from mine. Although it once intimidated me, I realized that most of us crave that connection and that ability to share the joy we each find in our individual art. Plus, the worst that can happen is that they’ll say no! I’ve found that in taking the leap towards the merging of ideas, incredible things can be created. This can range from working with graphic artists to design a print…

No Place Like Home

No Place Like Home - The Dressed Aesthetic

One of the hardest things to do after a blissful holiday is to get your head wrapped around the concept of ‘real life’ again. It was a bit scary how quickly I adapted to no internet, no set schedule, and a life that didn’t require shoes. Safe to say that by the end of our stay at the Octopus Resort on Waya Island in Fiji, I was pretty reluctant to check my emails and get back to the daily grind. Once I was back, though, I admitĀ it was pretty nice to curl up in my own bed, pick up Willie…