Posts Tagged“miss l fire”


Flowercide - The Dressed Aesthetic

On more than one occasion, I have committed flowercide. Okay, it’s been more than 12 occasions. I don’t know what it is, but gardening just doesn’t reside in my veins. And I always start out with the best of intentions. A few weeks ago, Mr. Dressed and I went out and selected some lovely flowering plants to speckle our garden and front patio. Pinks and purples and creams. It was a flowering paradise. For about 2 weeks. I’m sad to say that this week our porch looks like a horticulture crime scene.

Yellow, Yellow, Kiss a Fellow

Yellow, Yellow, Kiss a Fellow - The Dressed Aesthetic

On the weekend Mr. Dressed and a lovely friend and I skipped off to the theatre to see La La Land (Ummm, Ryan Gosling AND a movie musical? Point me to the popcorn). I fell completely in love with the story, the music, and the splashes of primary colors in every which direction (including one rather unforgettable yellow dress). Needless to say, I was inspired to pull a few primary colors out of my own wardrobe today…

Imposter Syndrome

The Imposter Syndrome - The Dressed Aesthetic

There’s this interesting phenomenon in Science (and I’m sure every profession) called The Imposter Syndrome. I’m sure we’ve all fallen victim to it now and again. This constant, nagging doubt that barks in the back of your ear that you are a fraud waiting to be found out. That despite the impressive title beside your name, the company that has decided you deserve to be paid for what you do, or the people who look up to you, the day will come when they finally figure out you really don’t know all that much. If you’ve ever written off your…

Good Morning, Professor

Good Morning, Professor - The Dressed Aesthetic

This morning marks my first lecture as a fully-fledged University professor. As you read this (chances are, as you are enjoying your morning coffee), I’m up in front of 94 undergrads trying to convince them that neuroscience is awesome and exciting (which they shouldn’t need to be convinced of, because neuroscience is, in fact, awesome and exciting. But, you know, youth). I’ve handed out the syllabus and am explaining just what they’re in for this semester. And, if I must say, I am wearing some pretty fabulous shoes while doing so…