Posts Tagged“skirt”

Fresh As a Daisy

Fresh As Daisy - The Dressed Aesthetic

I have always appreciated a bit of dichotomy in my clothes. A dash of sweet and sour, dark and light. Now, don’t get me wrong, I can embrace a good theme and go full tilt into saccharine, but there is something about a look that has a bit of push/pull that makes me stop and look again. I think it’s because, just like people, clothing should be layered. None of us are ever one thing – why should our wardrobe?

Getting a Bit Chili…

Getting a Bit Chili... - The Dressed Aesthetic

The past few weeks have been crazier than usual with the semester winding down. But as of Tuesday night, final exams were graded (and panicked last minute attempts for extra credit were addressed). I uploaded grades and polished off the last few meetings of the semester. And with the flick of my crinoline and the last woosh of my computer announcing that last email was sent, this semester has officially come to a close.


Allégro - The Dressed Aesthetic

In ballet, allégro is a term applied to bright, fast or brisk steps and movement. Although I never had any fantasies as a young girl of wanting to be a ballerina (but the layers of tulle I can definitely get behind), I have a sneaking suspicion I’d be pretty awesome at this move. As soon as the semester hit, I’ve been briskly stepping just about everywhere.

The Magical Shrinking World

Flock It To Me - The Dressed Aesthetic

One of the hardest parts about living overseas was definitely being so far from family. Missing the big moments and the little moments. Knowing that a hug would take 36 hours of exhausting travel time. Now that we’re home, the hardest part about not living overseas are the friends we had to leave behind. The world can feel very big when there are so many people scattered to the far ends of it to miss.

Flower Child

Flower Child - The Dressed Aesthetic

It is no secret that I am a lover of the 3D appliqué. To me it’s one of the hallmarks of 1950’s fashion – harking back to a time when someone painstakingly hand-stitched elements onto a garment to make it truly one of a kind. In today’s world of fast fashion, where things are barely made to endure a walk round the block, I have an even deeper appreciation for the person who took their time. Who made a piece to last a lifetime. To make a woman stand in sharp relief, instead of fade into the background.

Sock Hopped

Sock Hop - The Dressed Aesthetic

I think we all have learned to recognize those iconic silhouettes. Whether you are a student of fashion or simply a student of pop culture, I think you all have an image you can conjure when you hear a certain era. Most people hear the 1920’s and picture a perfect flapper dress, all twinkly fringe in a Great Gatsby Wonderland. You hear the 70’s and picture bright colors atop a perfect pair of flares, with flavors of disco and freedom. And you hear the 50’s and, from wiggle dresses to Dior New Look, there’s an unmistakeable silhouette that comes to…

Ace of Spades

Ace of Spades - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve always loved clothing that has a bit of cheekiness about it. Particularly if the whimsy isn’t instantly obvious till you get up close. It’s probably one of the reasons why I love novelty prints and appliqué so much. I mean, if you can’t have fun with your clothing, then why bother getting dressed at all, right?

Pocket Full of Sunshine: Introducing Maison Murasaki

Pocket Full of Sunshine: Introducing Maison Murasaki - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve always had a thing for 3D embellishments. Everyone has that feature that gets their pulse racing. Some girls are all about the rose prints. Others spend their lives hunting down the perfect Lilli Ann jacket. For me, nothing will pull my stomach into my throat faster than appliqué. Enter the incredible Maison Murasaki, home to some of the most amazing bespoke vintage-inspired garments in the world.

It’s the Little Things…

It's the Little Things - The Dressed Aesthetic

This past weekend I did something I haven’t done in months: I painted my nails. I realize this seems like a very mundane thing to most people; but for me painting my nails has always been the purest form of indulgence. Because when you work in a profession like mine, you are quite literally getting your hands dirty in one shark or another, or clattering away on the keys of a computer for hours on end. Thanks to these occupational hazards, it’s unlikely that a manicure will ever last very long. But somehow it never matters. It doesn’t matter if it looks…

Be Still My Hearts & Found

Be Still My Hearts & Found - The Dressed Aesthetic

I am a self-proclaimed Etsy stalker. That is, should I find myself with a minute to myself, I almost always flip over to Etsy to browse vintage wares, swoon over wish lists, or discover new shops. One shop has come on my radar again and again, owing to their amazing vintage inspired designs and bevy of beautiful prints: Hearts and Found. You may have seen them popping up on my various Lust Lists, but the thing holding me back from taking the plunge has always been narrowing it down to just one dress and just one print!