Posts Tagged“unique vintage”

‘Petal’ to the Metal

'Petal' to the Metal - The Dressed Aesthetic

I come from a long line of lead-footed women. What I mean to say is that speedy driving runs in my blood. I learned to drive on the streets of Boston, where people don’t mess around. Where speed limits are merely suggestions and using your blinker is a sign of fear. So, after moving to Perth 5 years ago I really had to acclimate to an entirely different driving culture. One of politeness, of obeying traffic laws. Where people merrily let you merge and if you edge so much as 5km over the speed limit, you can be just as sure…

Going Far Afield

I think we all have certain elements of clothing we just can’t resist. For me, that element is a beautiful print. In particular, a scenic print. And it honestly doesn’t matter how many scenic print dresses Bernie Dexter produces – I will want them all! I try (with a certain degree of effort) to minimize my scenic print craze to one-print per style, and I’m proud to say that while my resistance often fails on many counts, this is my first of her Paris style dresses.

Mini Lust List #14

Life has been absolutely crazy lately. Well, crazier than normal. With all of the travel and work and life responsibilities, I’ve barely had time to eat or sleep, let alone relish in my favorite activity of prowling the web for my favorite would-be wardrobe items. What can I say, except a gal gets busy!

Lust List #6

When things get chaotic in my world, I always find solace in browsing the web. A pretty dangerous activity, as most of my bookmarks lead straight to my favorite vintage sellers and always induce at least one or two heart attacks at the beauty that lies within. I’ve spent the past week in Cairns at a conference, and have found myself falling into the pattern of browsing my favorite websites to unwind from the busy day full of sciencing. y inability to turn my mind off at the end of a chaotic day is definitely your gain, as I’ve pulled together…


I was challenged by Unique Vintage to percolate on self-celebration for their #iamunique campaign. I was truly honored to be asked to participate in such an incredible movement, which encourages everyone to embrace their fabulous quirks and put their own unique spin on the world. But, I was also terrified. Because as semi-practised as I am speaking my mind and putting myself out there, the thought of contributing to something so powerful was a bit intimidating. But, if I present the challenge every day on this blog to be ourselves, celebrate our bodies, and wear what we please, then I owed it to myself (and you) to scrunch…

Mint Cream Dream

I love trying unique color combinations. Although mint and red is certainly not groundbreaking, there’s something very eye catching about it that seems to catch people off guard. I always manage to garner looks (well, more than usual) as I go skipping down the street in a sweet confection of minty-red goodness. I can’t tell if it’s the poofy skirt, the polka dot heels, or if people are just trying to work out whether I’m a few months late for Christmas and a few bulbs shy of a Christmas tree…