Time is such a funny thing in summer. The first half for me is always gloriously endless. Weeks of sun drenched months stretch before you, with any thoughts of autumn and all of its responsibility feeling safely tucked away in The Future. Time moves lazily forward, days blending into the next, with travel and sunset strolls and late night cocktails. Then, I crossed the invisible threshold that is July 4th. Every year, without fail, I awake after a night of BBQ and fireworks to that quiet feeling of dread. Within the span of a single night’s sleep, the fall semester suddenly feels perilously close.
The second half of the summer always seems to gain momentum, barreling towards autumn with frightening speed. It’s like the world becomes a movie montage, flipping through images of summer faster and faster and replacing them with class schedules and cooler evenings to some offbeat dance track. While I wish I could reject it, it’s a summer inevitability. So there’s only one possible option: live the dying days of summer to their fullest.

Smell the sea, and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly.
Van Morrison
While I was still on the right side of the 4th, I got to visit my old stomping grounds in Boston. In addition to my lecture at the New England Aquarium, I paid a visit to Salem favorite Modern Millie. Naturally, my mom and I spent hours going through the vintage and vintage inspired wares. Cause those gals know me so well, they had set aside a few vintage pieces they thought I might like. Well, I liked.
This amazing handkerchief print halter sat towards the bottom of the pile. With her crisp cotton collar and full circle skirt, I could hear the whisper of those lazy hazy crazy days of summer in her folds. And I zipped her up to feel that all too familiar embrace of vintage. Walking out of the dressing room, the store manager Laura gasped and said about 50 women had tried the dress on, but it was never quite right. Perhaps it’s been waiting for me all this time.
I realized that, vintage, much like summer, comes with her own time machine. Traveling through the space time continuum to find her next rightful owner. And sometimes you zip a dress up and can feel a kinship to the woman who wore her before you. Who was your size and measurements, with her own dance floors to twirl in and her own joys and her own heartache. And with the flick of a zipper, you feel the thread that connects you both, gratefully accepting the story this piece comes with. That you might add a new chapter.
There is perhaps nothing more special than knowing a dress traveled through time to meet you.
Outfit Details:
Dress: Modern Millie (similar modern and vintage here, here & here)
Necklace: Boutique in Boston (similar)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Handbag: Gift (similar here & here)
Shoes: Melissas
Lip Color: Lancome Gloss in Love
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