By the time you read this, I will be up up and away somewhere over the blue-green ocean, on my way to one of my favorite places in the world. For the next two weeks, I’m combining business and pleasure in New Zealand. The first week revolves around a conference, full of sharky discussions and serious brow furrowing over complex scientific topics. For the second half, Mr. Dressed Aesthetic is joining me and we’ll be adventuring all around the North Island, full of good beer, beautiful scenery, and way more meat pies than I care to admit. I lived in New Zealand for four years during my PhD, and I don’t think I can describe the feeling of getting to show my husband this piece of me. This piece of my heart. And although I’ve told him so many stories and shown him so many photos, I think getting to step into the lab where I stepped every day and drinking in the view my eyes clapped onto for four years will introduce a part of me to him he may never have gotten to know otherwise.
I‘ve spent the past few days racing around, making lists (and lists for my lists), and crossing things off with glee. I also spent a fair bit of time packing and planning and throwing in “just one more thing.” Now, like any true vintage loving gal, I have a set of 1950’s luggage (complete with the previous owner’s tag inside). However, like any true vintage loving gal, neither of these precious pieces will ever glimpse the darkness of an airplane’s luggage compartment. Do you see the way they throw those things around?? I generally reserve these beauties for weekends away and road trips, but they definitely ad a certain joie de vivre to any travel related post.
In an effort to be uber organized, I’ve scheduled a few blog posts to come out while I’m away, though it may be a little quieter around here than usual. If you follow me on Instagram, I’ll be posting photos of our New Zealand travels, but I’ll try to organize them into a blog post once I’m back.

There’s something about a first love that always stays with you – and New Zealand will always represent a series of firsts. My first adventure. The first time I truly branched out on my own (that didn’t come complete with a dorm room and a meal plan). The first time I took a chance and took a leap and didn’t look where I would safely land. The place where I experienced my first true heartbreak and the first time I stepped into a real lab to do my own real research. The first time I would spectacularly fail and just as gracefully, pick myself up.
And it was during that magical time in your early 20’s, where you’re just figuring out that you don’t know everything, but still feel invincible, with your whole life in front of you. Where you make mistakes and make some of the best friends of your life. Those years that define you.
I‘ve been preparing myself a bit, because I know that so much will have changed. I want to avoid that feeling you had as a kid, desperate to go back to summer camp to feel the magic again, only to drive passed and see it hollow. Feeling inexplicably sad but being too young to articulate the subtle shift that lay before you. Without the people and the energy to occupy that space and the firelight casting that special glow that encouraged you to share your darkest secrets and eat way too many s’mores, it was just a series of empty buildings. Though all of the right walls were there, it would never – could never – be as it was.
And although I know all of this (and also know it’ll still be hard), I’m so so excited to go back. I’m so excited to see some of the people I shared in that adventure with and hear how they’ve been for the last decade. I’m so excited to see how we’ve all grown and changed into the people we’ve become and the space between that’s occupied with spouses and kids and all of the things that come with adulthood. I’m honored that I was asked to give a lecture at the lab where I did my PhD – as if I’m not longer stepping into that lab as a girl on her first adventure, but as a woman who has really, truly made it.
New Zealand will always have a piece of my heart, and for only a couple of weeks, I get to return to her. There really aren’t words to explain the hard work and stress and madness it took to actually get me to the point of walking onto this plane, but I hardly feel any of that now. All I feel is simple gratitude in getting to be there. Getting to go home.
See you all on the other side!
Outfit Details:
Dress: Alannah Hill (similar here, here, here & here)
Jacket: Nanette Lepore (similar here & here)
Hat: Sophistihat (similar here & here)
Bracelet: Swarovski, gift from the Mister
Necklace: Passion Flower
Vanity Case: Mo-Mo’sVintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: T.U.K. (similar here, here & here)
Luggage: Lucy in Disguise (similar here & here)
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