Last week the unthinkable happened: It snowed in North Carolina! As true southerners, the entire city panicked: it was coined it a Frozen Cyclone Bomb and the world shut down for two days. Now, being someone who grew up in Boston, I had to laugh a little at the reaction to what was about 3 inches of snow (and admittedly some pretty icy road conditions). But, I can’t say I minded staying snuggled indoors with my Mister, enjoying the last of the homemade cheesecake and Christmas leftovers, with the wintery wonderland swirling outside our window.
Naturally, the minute the snow hit the ground my first thought was, “SNOW!” My second thought was, “OUTFIT PHOTOS!” Because, dear readers, you just have to take opportunities when they are handed to you and who knows when all of this glittery white goodness is going to come around the mountain again… I’d been drooling over the gorgeous wintery photos some of my favorite ladies CiCi, Sarah Lily, and Kristina had been gracing their blogs with lately. So, I froze my butt off for about 20 glorious minutes while I frolicked and twirled (and yes, tripped) but ultimately enjoyed a little bit of good ol’ fashioned wintery magic…

What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.
John Steinbeck
Something else I found to be quite surprising recently… While partaking in my monthly vintage meet up at Second Skin Vintage a few weeks back, I noticed there was a gaping hole in my wardrobe (trust me friends, this doesn’t happen often). While sipping wine and browsing the racks, as I am wont to do in Karyn’s store, I came across this perfect snowy white vintage muff. And I found myself stroking the soft feathers and musing, how in the wintery world had I managed to not already own a vintage muff??
I mean, it’s just the type of romantic, over-the-top accessorizing I pride myself on. I’m the girl who owns multiple capelets. Who has a crinoline closet that gives a sharp “poof!” when you open it, the music of frothy clouds of petticoats bursting free. And yet this oversight? What other sartorial pleasures had I been denying myself all these years? Seriously, what the muff?!?!
Needless to say, I took her home and immediately started to imagine all of the glittery sleigh rides and icy evening adventures me and this muff would have. And I’m pretty pleased her maiden voyage was on the day it Snowed in the South.
Tomorrow my classes begin, so today is the standard mad scramble to get prepped. Like an athlete before a big game, half of it is physical and the other half mental. So, today will be full of going through my lectures (and confirming that yes, I know what I’m talking about), packing my traveling Prof kit (aka, HDMI adapters, laser pointer, power cord), and printing off class lists with the ultimate goal of convincing a room full of undergrads that brains are awesome.
I mean, much like a vintage muff, when it comes to brains, everyone should have one….right?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Hep Cat Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Necklace: Macy’s (similar)
Muff: Second Skin Vintage (similar)
Tights: Modcloth, no longer available (similar here & here)
Crinoline: Hand Made Petticoats in gold
Shoes: Seychelles (similar here & here)
Lip Color: Ruby Woo
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