A few months ago, the ever-stunning Miss Lady Lace decided it was high time for all of us Perth ladies to don our vintage finest and get together for a night of dancing and frockery. And with a lot of quivering excitement and flashes of tulle, the Pinup Prom 2016 was born.
Like the good, organized scientist that I am, I booked my tickets early, and was really happy that I did. It sold out pretty quickly, and the cries for tickets have been heard around the web. In the first instance, I was simply excited for the chance to dress up prom style. For the Mr. to don his vintage suit and for me to pull down one of the precious vintage prom dresses that lovingly adorns my sewing room wall. But, it is really shaping up to be an event.
With performances by local burlesque artists and (dear god save my visa card) a mini market of wares from places like Cherry Lane Corsetry & Couture, The Bow Lady, and Vintage Fixation, this will no doubt be a night to remember. As someone who had the less-than-fairy-tale prom experience when it came around in high school (my date backed out at the last minute and I took a blow-up parrot. True story), I’m beyond excited to step back in time for night to recapture a bit of the magic and dance the night away with my beloved.

To commemorate the event, I’ve dusted off one of my very favorite vintage 1950’s cupcake dresses – if you have been following the blog for awhile, you may have seen her pop up before. With tiers and tiers of embroidered scallops, she is nothing if not memorable, and is begging for my fullest crinoline and sparkliest shoes. She is imbued with a certain magic that is truly worthy of prom night.
Although these photos had to be taken in advance thanks to my jettsetter status this week, I’ll do my best to get as many photos of the night as possible (maybe even one of Mr. Dressed! Though he can be rather elusive…) and hopefully write a follow up post. I must admit, though it had been many, many years since high school (silent thanks), and my days of gym class and history tests are long over, I’m very much looking forward to Prom 2.0. A night of good friends, beautiful vintage and (we can only hope) no inflatable parrots.
Anyone else out there with a classic prom blunder? It’s not every day you get a do-over!
Outfit Details:
Dress: Circa 1955 Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here, and here)
Shoulder Chain: Nous Savons (similar)
Shoes: Oh Deer (similar here & here)
Lip Color: Tarte Amazonian Butter lipstick
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