I have finally returned from my crazy trek around the world and am wallowing a bit in my jet lag and post-travel cold (that I always seem to get). A whopping 36 hours in transit isn’t the most pleasant experience, but I have to say I still marvel at how small the world has become. How I can get on an airplane (okay 4) and miraculously find myself on the opposite side of the planet. And how liberating that feeling is. As though anywhere – and anything – is within reach.
One thing I could definitely do without, however, is the tedious entry process. Visas and passports and customs and queues (oh my!). Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could all be citizens of the world, free to travel at whim and come and go with a sense of fluidity? Now, I realize that takes a certain rose-tinted view of the world, and that current systems are in place for safety reasons and other legalities, but I can’t help but hope for the possibility of a global inclusivity. Maybe one day…

One of my favorite parts of traveling is the part where I get to come home – snuggle up with Mr. Dressed, debrief on my trip, and rejoin normalcy. And I must admit, I always get giddy at having full access to my closet again. It’s crazy how quickly you get used to living out of a suitcase, and how the sudden bevy of options before you can feel like utopia. I burst into my wardrobe to the excited chatter of vintage sundresses and citruses-hued heels, and had almost forgotten what it was like to be spoilt for choice.
So, I’m taking today to recover from my cold, unpack, and try to get on top of emails before the onslaught of work begins again. If only I could stop time and snooze for a few days in a bubble of no-deadlines and return to the world exactly as I left it, but refreshed and without the box of Kleenex firmly clamped to my side.
Now, wouldn’t THAT be lovely…
Outfit Details:
Dress: Jumblelaya Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Bolero: Cheshire Vintage (similar here)
Belt: From another dress (similar)
Necklace: When Decades Collide (similar here & here)
Handbag: Gift, via Modcloth (similar here)
Shoes: Anthropologie (similar here & here)
Nail Details:
Base Color: Seche Clear
Nail Design: Konad Special Polish White, Silver, and Black
Stamping Plate: Winstonia W120
Stamping tools: Konad
Top Coat: Seche Vite
Lip color: Nars Cinematic lipstick in Short Circuit
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