Happy New Year! Well, here we are yet again, at the start of another year. It feels like on the dawn of a New Year, we should be full of Big Thoughts and Big Plans. But, I have to admit I’ve been enjoying a LOT of down time. And with down time comes available minutes for the things you forgot about throughout the year – sleeping in, sipping lazy coffees, binge-watching Mrs. Maisel or indulging in cheesy romantic comedies, and reading a book for the fun of it.Β I’m not one for making resolutions (because New Years is somewhat arbitrary), but I do think it’s important to look at how far we can come in a year. This has definitely been one for some high highs and some seriously low lows…
Since the dawn of this blog, each year I share a bit of a retrospective, where I flick back through old blog posts and try to pick a favorite from each month. More often than not, I end up spending hours on these posts. Not because they’re so hard. But, much like when you have to pack and end up losing hours in each memory you put carefully into a box, going through old post is like reliving memories, one photo at a time.
So, with a bit of confetti under the New Year’s disco ball, here is the best of 2018…
Well, 2018 definitely started with that feeling of calm that always precedes a storm. But, blissfully naive, Mr. Dressed and I were looking forward to a Year of Normal (HA! I almost can’t write that now with a straight face). But, we wereΒ finally starting to feel like we lived in Wilmington and weren’t just crazy foreigners who landed here accidentally. There was no huge overseas move in our future and other than the adventure of starting to look for our dream house, we had no major changes on the horizon. I was also officially beginning my second year of teaching. But, this time I was armed. Instead of just vomiting words on slides, as was my m.o. the previous year, I was actually able to take a breath, look at the course as a whole, and refine. I felt that I walked into each class with more confidence, and it definitely showed in how much less of a headless chicken I was.
I also kicked off the year with some seriously good vintage. I got to collaborate with custom-made favorite eShakti, experienced a substantial snowfall in NC (WTF???), and finally got my hands on this under-the-sea Marjorie Montgomery beauty from newfound shop Timeless Vixen. But I have to say, my favorite acquisition had to be this stunner from Sweet Bee Finds. In shades of yellow, she is literally a burst of sunshine. It was exactly what we all needed to cut through the winter gloom…

Dress: Sweet Bee FindsΒ (similar here & here)

Tights: gift, Stern Tights

Heels: Steve MaddenΒ (similar)
By the time February rolled around, I had hit my groove with teaching for the semester and was able to concentrate on a few other projects. Mr Dressed and I celebrated Valentine’s Day as only people who truly love cheese can – with fondue. Workwise, I submitted a large grant with collaborators in Australia and hosted my first annual Lab Coat Tye-Die party for my students (cause yes, our lab may do science, but we do it in style).
Despite the endless rain that consumed most of Feb, I also got to wear two new (to me) pieces that I had literally been drooling over the year before. This insanely beautiful dress from Sweet Life Vintage was one I had coveted for ages – and it lovingly turned up under my tree on Christmas morning. And paired with the world’s most perfect bust handbag from Hunter Gatherer. This definitely set the stage for what promised to be a good Spring as winter started to give up her fight…

Dress: Sweet Life Vintage (similar modern & vintage)
Bag: Hunter Gatherer Vintage (similar here)

Dress: Sweet Life Vintage
March is always one of the very best months of the year – because it’s my birthday month! Although some people dread turning a year older, I have big plans to age fabulously. Due to the craziness of the month, we ended up celebrating a few weeks after my actual birthday, but the point is to always pat yourself on the back for growing another year wiser. Β I also share my birthday with The Dressed Aesthetic, who turned 3 this past year, and we celebrated by hosting a fab giveaway here on the blog.
I got to collaborate with some of my very favorite vintage inspired retailers this month – reviewing this lavender party dress for Unique Vintage and an amazing Coffee Truck Grab Bag from Vendula (if there was ever a handbag that summed me up…). I also got to meet and work with a lovely vintage shop The Dress Form, where this sheer Swiss dotted cutie and I had a few adventures together. But, the most memorable moment of March had to be when this stunning rose-printed beauty nearly met her end in the color-bleed disaster of the century (disclaimer: this story is not for the weak).

Dress: Ooh La La (similar here & here)

Belt: ASOS (similar)
Every time April rolls around, I always breath a bit of a sigh of relief. It means the semester is nearly over, and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel signaling that summer is nearly upon us. It also means having to say goodbyes. Several of the undergraduate students working in my lab were graduating this month. So, we threw them a big bash, ZoMBiE Lab style,Β complete with brain hats, a massive brain cookie, and watching Deep Blue sea (where we laughed at the endless shark inaccuracies). Otherwise, April pretty much flew by in a flurry of panicked student meetings, committees, and thesis defense seminars.
Despite the craziness, I did manage to find time to add to the vintage collection (I am ME after all). From this eyelet-printed cutie to sheer gauzy pink and green confections, it was hard to choose a favorite. But, this trompe l’oeil stunner took the proverbial cake and started my obsession with visual illusion fabrics.

Dress: UK Charm Vintage (similar here & here)

Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
And just like that, the semester was over. As is my usual, I immediately got hit with a whopping cold and spent a few days recovering. But healthy once again, I skipped off to the Hamptons for a girl’s weekend, where my best childhood girlfriends and I started an annual tradition of meeting up each year for some good old fashioned girl time. There is nothing like spending days on end with the people in the world who know you best and love you anyway.
This was also the month that our house hunt began! As someone who has undertaken a lot of overseas moves, the thought of buying a home and settling down was completely foreign to me. It was so exciting to start down the path of finding a place where we could pick paint colors and hang pictures without worrying about our rent deposit. We met with our realtor and the journey began…
It was also a busy month for the blog – from kissing frogs to grapes on the vine to red capelets – the vintage never stops.Β I also got to collaborate with one of my absolute favorite shops in Australia, Alannah Hill, which also lead me to discover this stunning arboretum, hiding out in the heart of Wilmington. But, hands down the best piece to arrive to my closet this month was this stunning bespoke Romeo & Juliet skirt, handmade by the incomparable Girl in a Whirl. Words cannot accurately describe the beauty and craftsmanship that goes into her work. It is the stuff Shakespeare wrote sonnets about…

Skirt: Custom made by Girl in a Whirl
Dress, worn as a top: Ruby Fayes Vintage (similar here)

Skirt: Custom made by Girl in a Whirl

The month of June was definitely an exciting one – cause I hopped a plane to Brazil! Although for work and not for fun, I had an amazing time catching up with colleagues, absorbing heaps of awesome shark science, and exploring a bit of Joao Pessoa, a coastal down in central Brazil. And although I came back with both memories and a rather unpleasant Brazilian parasite, I don’t hold a grudge.
Naturally, a shark conference requires the most perfect under the sea look, and this stunning pink dress from My Lili Marlene fit the bill perfectly. I do think it’s my mission in life to collect all of the undersea-themed vintage I can. And trust me…if it’s on my To Do list, it will be achieved….

Dress: My Lili Marlene (similar here & here)

Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)

After the craziness of the first half of the year, July was blissfully relaxing. With no classes to teach and no conferences on the horizon, we were able to kick back a bit and enjoy the throws of summer. One of my very best friends from Australia came to visit us for two weeks, and we used the time to explore the city, sip wine, and challenge the assumption that one can, in fact, nap too much. While she was here, we also put in an offer on our dream house (!!!). Although there was the normal stress that comes with negotiations, our offer was accepted and we were well on our way to being homeowners!
There were so many good looks this month – a stunning vintage sunflower De Weese dress from Calendar Girl Vintage, a couture quality skirt from Off Broadway Vintage, & a nautical boat print dress (always with the nautical!). I also got to feature one of my very favorite vintage shops Sweet Life Vintage, and gain a bit of insight into her vintage hunting process. But the month of July was definitely marked by the completion of my latest sewing adventure. This was a particular achievement, as it literally took me over 2 years to complete. But I have to say, she was worth every minute…

Dress: Made by Me!

And seemingly overnight, the summer started to fade back into schedules and syllabi and the frantic nature of a new semester. But, I still managed to have a bit of fun before the madness – I collaborated with clothing designer SAMDE La Jupe, who is just as sweet as her designs are stunning. I also wore pants (gasp!) and worked with Joanie Clothing and Vendula London. In true vintage huntress fashion, I added another Marjorie Montgomery to my collection.
But, the crowning achievement for August was almost certainly getting my hands on one of my vintage Unicorns. I spied this skirt years ago, but was always just a few seconds to slow. With some seriously good finger stretches and limbering up before the Big Race, I crossed the finish line first and added this beauty to my closet. I have to say, it felt like she’d always been there…

Skirt: Advantage in Vintage (similar here & here)

Top: Unique VintageΒ // Bag: Off Broadway (similar)
And just as the semester was in full swing, with my classes and labs running smoothly, the unthinkable happened. Although there is a lot that can happen in a month, September is marked by one thing and one thing only in my mind: Hurricane Florence. I had never before felt my body slip into crisis mode so quickly. Going from mild concern to evacuation in just a few hours. Wandering around our home, wondering what we couldn’t live without. Signing the contracts on our new house, wondering if we would have it to return to.
We evacuated to Atlanta, where my grad student’s family graciously took us in. We spent about a week watching the weather channel, waiting for news. Alleviating fears of friend and relatives that we were safe and well, but unsure of what was happening to our beloved Wilmington. Fortunately, we returned home to minimal damage to our personal property – though many friends and our University weren’t so lucky. We all shifted into crisis mode to salvage the semester as best we could, but I know that the recovery process is going to continue to take time.
September was definitely not all turmoil, and was certainly made brighter by the arrival of these most amazing shoes by Shoe Bakery. One of my absolute favorite footwear designers, I got to work with Chris Campbell and interview him about how on earth he creates the most delectable of footwear confections…

Dress: Sweet Life Vintage (similar modern & vintage)

Shoes: Shoe Bakery, sold out

October passed in a semi-panicked state of curriculum changes and travel. I also got to work with some amazing companies this month – including hosting a giveaway with Malco Modes and Bellasous (and coming up with a few creative Halloween costumes on the fly from dresses already in my closet), and reviewing the most adorable brooch from Teacup Girl. My vintage heart was also made immeasurably happy by the addition of this vintage shark print dress.
The most exciting event of October was our trip to New York, where I got to see Hamilton on Broadway (resplendent in one of the most beautiful Juli Lynne Charlot sets I have ever clapped eyes on). I cried my eyes out and loved every minute of the show. Of course, getting there was a bit of an adventure – due to a second hurricane that came up the coast, all flights were cancelled. Never ones to be thwarted, Mr. Dressed and I hopped into a rental car and road-tripped 12 hours Northward, making it to the city a bit worse for wear, but in our seats when the curtains rose.

Skirt & Top: Ooh La La (similar top & skirt)

Bag: SassyPantsGrrlΒ (similarΒ hereΒ & here)

November greeted me like an old friend – at least the kind of old friend that demands that you race around to a zillion events with them. I flew off to a conference in San Diego, where I cavorted with fellow brain nerds and had to give a talk to fill in for a colleague with 24 hours notice (no pressure). I also very proudly voted and hope our country is slowly moving towards an administration that values acceptance, equality, and science.
It was also the month where we moved into our New House! It was a bit quiet here on the blog for a few weeks, as so much of November was marked by a flurry of packing and then unpacking. Overall, it went pretty smoothly (save for a few mishaps) and we were able to welcome my sister, brother-in-law, and niece from Massachusetts for our very first Thanksgiving in our brand spankin’ new dining room! It was amazing to have them here. You really haven’t lived until you wake up to a six year old quietly staring at you from next to the bed (insert heart attack here). But their presence definitely moved it from being our house to Our Home.

Dress: Coutura Vintage (similar here & here)

Shoes: Irregular Choice (similar)

Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
December felt like the last chapter in a very chaotic book – where the semester blessedly came to an end. I gave my final exam and hunkered down at the dining room table for three days straight grading. But, before I knew it, grades were submitted and the holidays were nearly upon us. I somehow managed to get my Christmas shopping done, zipping presents too and fro around the world.
I also welcomed the cutest wicker flamingo handbag into the fold, handmade by Wicker Darling, and reviewed my love of all things belt. Before I knew it, Mr. Dressed and I were zipping west to spend the holidays in San Diego, where we had an incredibly relaxing Christmas with his family. We started to make plans to ring in the New Year in style back in San Diego, but my Mister had somehow managed to catch the flu somewhere in our travels, so we greeted 2019 quietly and without fanfare. But given how much fanfare punctuated 2018, I think it was the perfect ending to an absolutely chaotic year…

Skirt: Ooh La La (similar here & here)

Top: Alannah Hill (similar)

There is something about New Years that always calls out for a bit of introspection – a reflection the year that’s past and how it’s going to inform the future.Β If I had to pick just one, the theme of this past year has definitely seemed to be Breathless Insanity. I feel like I raced from one event to the next, with barely any time to catch my breath. If there’s one thing I hope I make time for this year, it’s to breathe. Enjoy it. Take more naps. Leave work at work once in awhile. Go for more walks with my husband. Take more trips for fun. To do better. Be better. And not sweat the small stuff.
Speaking of sweating, as you read this I’m currently in Florida! I flew down to Tampa for my first scientific conference of the year and have been having an amazing time immersed in science. As is usually the case with conferences, time is flying by and my mind is buzzing with so many exciting scientific possibilities. And if there’s one way to start a new year, it’s embracing that feeling that anything is possible.
So, here’s to an amazing, adventure-and-vintage-filled 2019!
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