I was in a “word of the day” sort of mood when I was writing this post, and thought the word Auspicious summed up this past month perfectly, which generally means characterized by success; prosperous. I’m a big fan of the “small wins” concept, which means you don’t only celebrate the big obvious things that are dripping with notoriety, but rather take the time to congratulate yourself on the little things as well.
For big wins this month, I successfully organized a symposium and gave a talk at an internationally recognized conference. I hosted a prestigious collaborator in the lab and made great progress on three high impact publications. I submitted two Teaching & Learning grants to procure funding to enhance the student experience for two of the courses I lecture into. I had some incredible collaborations for the blog this month and I celebrated a huge milestone with Mr. Dressed Aesthetic – our five year wedding anniversary!
For small wins, I ventured South to a friend’s gorgeous house in Mandurah and had an incredibly productive writing weekend (there may have also been some wine drunk and some laughter had) – the big win will definitely be getting that paper submitted! I put myself on a bit of a spending ban this month and *mostly* stuck to it. I made a bit of progress on my latest sewing project with Sewanista and learned a fantastic new technique for hemming. And finally, I took a bit of time for me this month to twirl around the park, laugh with friends, and lose myself in daydreams. Even the simple act of taking time to reflect on the small wins can be an important process – because they’re pretty easy to overlook and forget about, but are definitely deserving of some attention.
Speaking of things that deserve attention, this month was also home to some pretty fabulous vintage! Here’s a review of some of my absolute favorite looks from the past month (for full outfit details, feel free to check out the original post).

Dress: Butch Wax Vintage (similar here & here) // Jacket: Rococo Vintage (similar modern or vintage)
Dress: Butch Wax Vintage (skirt in the same print here!) // Bag: Mo-Mo’s Vintage (similar)

Dress: c/o Collectif // Shoes: Oh Deer (similar) // Gloves: Modern Millie Vintage (similar)

Dress: c/o Collectif // Belt: Alannah Hill (similar) // Crinoline: Vivien of Holloway

Shoes: Made by AskSarah – see how here!
Dress: Rockin’ Ruby’s Vintage (similar here & here) // Shoes: Make them with this DIY!
Dress: Blue Fennel (similar) // Headband: Modcloth (similar)
Shoes: Melissas, thrifted via Mo-Mo’s Vintage (similar here & here)
Dress: Blue Fennel (similar here & here) // Bag: Gift (similar)
Dress: Adored Vintage (similar modern or vintage) // Shoes: Betsey Johnson (similar)
Dress: Adored Vintage (similar) // Necklace: Sora Designs (similar)
Dress: Modern Millie Vintage (similar) // Bag: Mo-Mo’s Vintage (similar)
Dress: Modern Millie Vintage (similar) // Shoes: BCBG (similar here & here)
Dress: Capsule Vintage (similar modern & vintage) // Bag: Vintage (similar)
Dress: Capsule Vintage (similar here & here) // Shoes: Enzo Angiolini (similar)
Dress: Capsule Vintage (similar) // Necklace: When Decades Collide (similar here & here)
I also thought it might be nice for this outfit recap to introduce you to some of my lovely sponsors for the month! I’m so fortunate to have the opportunity to work with some amazing vintage sellers and small business owners, and I couldn’t be more grateful for their support of my little corner of the blogosphere. I personally love being introduced to reliable retailers (though my wallet isn’t always as pleased). So, with a bit of fanfare, TDA’s August Sponsors are (in no particular order):
Oh Henry Vintage: On Etsy and with a brick and mortar in Perth, Oh Henry was one of the first vintage stores I discovered when we moved to Perth back in 2011. Owned by Jasmine and her husband Henry, they specialize in garments from the 20’s through the early 90’s and has an incredible homey feel to the shop – the crisp white walls and high ceilings make it feel open and airy, and the rainbow merchandising will have you itching to dig into each color with abandon. You can also check out my Spotlight On feature of Oh Henry Vintage! I have the most fun playing dress up over there.

Interested in working together? Please feel free to check out my Sponsorship Page. I love each and every one of my sponsors!
I‘m incredibly excited for September to get here, because Mr. Dressed and I are off to Fiji to watch one of my very best friends get married! It’ll be a week of sun, cocktails, and a pretty awesome bachelorette party. I seriously can’t wait. I have grave doubts I’ll be coming away with a tan (the curse of the Irish), but hopefully a story or two and about a zillion photos.
So, I plan to use the trip as the Light at the End of the Tunnel this week to polish off a few projects and get a few things off my desk. I always find I appreciate a holiday more when there’s a hard push of work immediately preceding it. We fly off on Sunday, so that’s 6 days of hard work followed by 10 days of hardcore lounging!
What’s on your agenda for this week?