This time of year in Australia generally means that flowers are blooming everywhere. One in particular is a favorite – probably because I didn’t have them growing up – is this tree that suddenly burst into into red, fiery colors in October. From the genus Callistemon, they’re locally referred to as “bottlebrush trees,” because they look as if you could scoop them up and take them home to wash out the champagne flutes.
I stumbled on this dress at one of my favorite vintage shops on Etsy – La Belle Vintage. And there’s just something about this particular vibrant floral print that reminds me of my favorite trees and my favorite time of year here in Australia. Where the bottlebrush trees are blooming and I have a new week to make a new start. Last week was not the best week in the World of Me, but a new week and a new perspective can work wonders. As I was walking the well worn path from the carpark to my office today, my eye caught the commingling of colors everywhere; the reds and greens of the bottlebrush trees and the perfect blue of the Swan river. It always reminds me to never take living in Perth for granted. That though this may not be our forever home, I will forever be lucky to have lived here.

Total sidebar – but I’ve kind of started to have a love affair with vintage shoe clips. I only discovered them about a year ago, and now I can’t seem to get enough. Have you ever heard of them? They’re sort of like clip-on earrings for your shoes – they can be really elaborate or pretty simple, but add a bit of pizazz to your shoe. Basically, with these babies, my shoe collection appears to have grown exponentially (which is a frightening prospect). Swap around my shoe clips, and I could wear the same pair of heels all week and no one would notice.
Got to love finding a new accessory that increases my wardrobe potential…These grape clusters and these rhinestone bugs are definitely next on my wishlist…
Whether it’s the whisper of Spring rustling the bottlebrush trees or a warm breeze rustling a perfect vintage floral print dress, this week is starting off a bit more promising than the last. I’m going to be filmed for a promo video for a recent harebrained idea of mine that has actually turned into a really exciting initiative – 3D printing of my brain collection!
As I hinted at last week, I’ve joined forces with several colleagues, and between us we have hundreds of specimens to collect data from to create 3D printed models and enhance our comparative neuroscience courses. I realize it sounds a bit strange, but I have so many rare and precious samples in my collection that can’t be used for teaching, because they’ll likely be destroyed by excessive handling. By 3D printing them, students pick up and measure everything from a great white shark brain right up to our own brain. I love mixing my nerdy science with new technology…
So, I’m off to go and be a scientist now. After which, we’re off to see They Might Be Giants as Part I of Mr. Dressed’s birthday celebrations. Happy Monday!
Outfit Details:
Dress: La Belle Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Belt: Oasis (similar here & here)
Necklace: Magnolia (similar here, here & here)
Headband: Gift, Alannah Hill (similar here & here)
Handbag: Gift (similar here, here & here)
Shoe Clips: Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: Madden Girl (similar here, here & here)