I’m not sure why, but the stripes on this dress have always reminded me of the pole that sits outside of old school barbershops. When the barber’s striped pole spins, it creates a visual illusion, where it appears as if the stripes are moving up or down the pole. I kind of like the idea of a dress in constant motion, as if by spinning and spinning you’re never risking stagnancy. Always moving forward or backward, but never staying in one place for too long.
As much fun as it would be to spin forever, I’ve always been more than a little bit prone to motion sickness. And I think I’m reaching that scary place of grownuphood I never thought I’d get to – where I’m looking forward to staying in one place. It’s kind of crazy how you cross that invisible threshold. One minute, I’m living with 6 other people, eating endless amounts of ramen, and can move all of my worldly possessions in a single weekend with a few boxes and friends bribed with only the promise of pizza; the next minute, I’ve acquired a husband, can’t wait to pick out paint colors and create a forever home, and have a crew of amazing friends who acknowledge our box-lugging days are over, and can recommend a good moving company. It’s a strange threshold to cross, people, but I promise it happens to the best of us.

Although we’ve recently signed a new lease in our current rental, Mr. Dressed and I have been talking more and more about starting to climb the property ladder. It feels like yet another step forward into adulthood, though the thought of putting down roots doesn’t scare me the way it used to. I’m actually excited by the thought of leaving rental life behind, of drilling permanent holes in the wall and not feeling so transient (and, if I’m being honest, what REALLY excites me is the thought of designing and building my dream closet!).
It’s only an abstract thought at this stage, but as we start to squirrel away our pennies and browse housing websites to drool over the zillion dollar homes we can never afford (but can aspire to), I find myself getting as excited about choosing lighting fixtures as I do about browsing for my next pair of strappy sandals. Maybe that’s what adulthood is: 1/2 dreamy, 1/2 practical, and spin and spin until thoroughly mixed…
What’s the most adult thing you’ve done lately?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Kitty Girl Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Necklace: Vintage (similar here & here)
Handbag: Second Seed Vintage (similar here & here)
MUSI Shoe Clips: Oh Faro (same here & similar)
Shoes: Jessica Simpson (similar here & here)
Lip Color: Glamour
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