One of my favorite posts – both my own and the ones that I see other bloggers do – is always the blooper reel. Piercing the veil between the shiny, sparkly blogger life and the actual reality of what posing in front of a camera is like. Admitting to the world that we’re both fabulous and flawed.
So, I spent a rather joyous afternoon trawling through photoshoots from this past year to find all of the mishaps. The stumbles. The failed action shots. The hair in my lipgloss. The dress upswings, the photobombs, the clothing mishaps and everything that makes life real. Because those moments are awesome.

Me: …..
Original Post: Snow Cone
Dress: Lindy Bop via Modern Millie (similar)

Original Post: Introducing Orchard Corset
Dress: She’s Dynamite
Steel-Boned Longline Underbust Satin Corset (CS-426) in white c/o Orchard Corset
The Clumsy Me
I may walk around in 5 inch heels, but don’t let that trick you into believing I’m graceful. I trip over things. I spill coffee everywhere. And I have a complete inability not to let my face register every single one of those moments. Whenever we take photos, it’s not rare to hear Mr. Dressed say something like, “That was great. Now maybe this time make your face less crazy.”

Dress: Mill Street Vintage (similar here & here)

Dress: Blanche of Arts

Dress: Voodoo Vixen Aria Dress c/o Voodoo Vixen
The Windswept Me
There’s an occupational hazard that naturally accompanies wearing skirts and dresses on a daily basis: flashing the world. And it happens more often than you think. Gusts of wind and I do not always get along….

Dress: Hunter Gatherer Vintage (similar here)

Dress: Chotronette

Dress: Xtabay Vintage (similar here)

Dress: Word From the Bird (similar here)

Dress: Word From the Bird (similar here)
Action Shot Fail
One type of photo I consistently get complimented on are the action shots. My perfect twirls. The rockette-esque kicks. But I’m here to share the truth: most of the time they spectacularly fail…

Original Post: I Choose a FIT!
Dress: Greater Goods Vintage (similar here)

Original Post: Frolic Time!
Dress: Greater Goods Vintage (similar)

Skirt: Simply Vintage Co (similar here)

Original Post: Ace of Spades
Skirt: eBay (similar modern & vintage)
The Goof
I usually manage to keep my face serious for a few shots before the goofy side of me takes over and I start pulling faces. I crack myself up. I get distracted by something sparkly and forget we’re taking photos. And my husband/photographer is particularly adept at capturing me right in those special moments where it looks like I may have actually swallowed my face.

Original Post: Down the Rabbit Hole
Dress: Oh Henry Vintage (similar here)

Original Post: Six Years & Counting
Dress: Adored Vintage (similar here)

Original Post: Window to the Past
Dress: Bernie Dexter

Original Post: Jingle Bells
Dress: Sartorial Matters (similar modern or vintage)

Dress: Trove Vintage (similar here)

Original Post: The FairyTale
Dress: Chotronette

Original Post: The Secret
Dress: Atomic Blonde Vintage (similar here)

Original Post: Blueberry Shortcake
Dress: Sweet Bee Finds (similar here)
The Immortal Willie
I feel as though a blooper reel wouldn’t be complete without my favorite pup. And even though he’s gone and there will always be a hole in my heart where he lives, flipping through these photos reminded me of how much joy we’d get out of taking outfit photos together. How he would sometimes pose just so, ensuring the perfect photobomb. How much he would revel is the sheer joy of being together. My photos still feel as though they’re missing something, but I am so so grateful I have these shots to always remember him by.

Original Post: Some Necessary Sparkle
Shoes: Valentino (similar)

Bag: Betsey Johnson, sold out (similar)

Dress: Deerfield Vintage (similar here)

Dress: Garb Oh Vintage (similar here)

I thought there was no better way to bid farewell to 2017 than to do so laughing at myself. Because the danger of taking yourself too seriously is that you start to believe you have to be perfect all the time. And as the pajama-clad me with her hair up in a messy bun who is typing this sentence will tell you – there’s a lot more fabulously imperfect than perfect around here.
So, remember dear readers, for every perfect shot, inspiring silhouette and sparkly, shiny image you see on the blog, there are about 10 of these. Tripping, tumbling, laughing, perfectly imperfect me. No one lives an airbrushed life, with immaculate coffee cups and studio lighting. And it’s the moments when the camera catches us unaware that you get a glimpse at who we really are.
I can’t thank you enough for following along with me this year – it’s been one crazy adventure and I’ve loved every minute. Here’s to an inspiring, perfectly-imperfect 2018.
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