Browsing CategoryDaily Outfits

Eyelet on the Prize

Eyelet on the Prize - The Dressed Aesthetic

Lately, I’ve felt an irresistible pull towards creating the perfect home. I browse home decor websites, vacillate between different color schemes, and spend hours looking for my dream countertops. This will come as no surprise if you’ve been following along lately, because Mr. Dressed and I have embarked on the dizzying adventure of buying a home. As I’ve said before, despite my love for adventure and seeing the world, the thought of putting down roots and having some stability is more than a little appealing. Weekends are now full of open house viewings and I spend about as much time on…

{Sewing} I’ve Got the Blues…

{Sewing} I've Got the Blues - The Dressed Aesthetic

There are some projects that simply take forever. Not because they’re particularly complicated, but because life just… happens. Several years ago now (it’s actually embarrassing to think about how long ago it was…), I started to draft this dress. Like most of my creations, she was born from a true vintage piece that could never be mine. And as with most unrequited loves, I forlornly tucked her into the back of my mind. But, I never forgot her.

The Magical Shrinking World

Flock It To Me - The Dressed Aesthetic

One of the hardest parts about living overseas was definitely being so far from family. Missing the big moments and the little moments. Knowing that a hug would take 36 hours of exhausting travel time. Now that we’re home, the hardest part about not living overseas are the friends we had to leave behind. The world can feel very big when there are so many people scattered to the far ends of it to miss.

Here Comes the Sunflower

Here Comes the Sunflower - The Dressed Aesthetic

Some days are about practicality (if we’re being honest here, most days). Although it’s pretty obvious my day-to-day style veers towards most people’s fancy, my version of “practical” is a cotton sundress, some sort of sparkly belt, and 40’s inspired heels (which tend to be a bit easier to race around in). But every now and then, I’m in the mood to dress up like a frothy, floral cupcake fantasy. And I’m not sorry….

Putting Down Roots

Putting Down Roots - The Dressed Aesthetic

It’s safe to say I’ve moved around a lot in my life. And I’m not talking about the within-city moves (though we’ve racked up a fair few of those too). I’m talking about the uprooting your life, move to another country, then four years later do it again (cause it was so fun and stress-free the first time!) Truthfully, I wouldn’t change those experiences for anything in the world. Living in other countries has given me perspectives I never would have gained otherwise and afforded me insights into new places and new cultures. I know I wouldn’t be who I…

Traveling Through Time

Traveling Through Time - The Dressed Aesthetic

Time is such a funny thing in summer. The first half for me is always gloriously endless. Weeks of sun drenched months stretch before you, with any thoughts of autumn and all of its responsibility feeling safely tucked away in The Future. Time moves lazily forward, days blending into the next, with travel and sunset strolls and late night cocktails. Then, I crossed the invisible threshold that is July 4th. Every year, without fail, I awake after a night of BBQ and fireworks to that quiet feeling of dread. Within the span of a single night’s sleep, the fall semester suddenly…

{Review} Boats, Boats, Boats! Unique Vintage Sailboat Print Darienne Swing Dress

{Review} Boats, Boats, Boats! Unique Vintage Sailboat Print Darienne Swing Dress - The Dressed Aesthetic

If there’s one thing to love about summer, it’s sundresses! Bugs and sweltering heat aside, there’s nothing like being able to throw on a single item and feeling instantly put together. I’ve definitely been reaching for my spaghetti strap dresses more and more now that we’re in the official throws of summer – with a pair of sandals and bit of extra SPF on my burn-happy shoulders, I’m good to go!

80’s Baby

80's Baby - The Dressed Aesthetic

I was born in the 1980’s, a time where tight rolled jeans, perms, and electric blue eyeshadow reigned. It’s a decade like no other in terms of my poor fashion choices, many of which I have photographic evidence of (thankfully it was in the pre-digital age, where most are hidden in dusty photo albums. But my sister has a scanner, so…). Mix the 1980’s with the tumultuous years of pre-pubescent angst and it’s no surprise that I tend to shy away from all things from that decade. But, much like a basque waist, I’ve really got to stop saying “I’ll…

{Review} Swanning Around: Unique Vintage Waldorf Swing Dress

{Review} Swanning Around: Unique Vintage Waldorf Swing Dress - The Dressed Aesthetic

The sun kissed summer has finally arrived – and that always translates to fun summer sundresses! With all the traveling I’ve been doing lately, I find I’ve been tucking my vintage-inspired pieces into my suitcase more and more – they tend to be less wrinkle prone, I worry less when they’re compressed in a tiny box for long-distance flights, and there is a bevy of adorable retro prints to choose from. I have to say, Unique Vintage has been killing’ it with their novelty prints lately and I’ve had any eye on more than a few pieces…

Flower Child

Flower Child - The Dressed Aesthetic

It is no secret that I am a lover of the 3D appliqué. To me it’s one of the hallmarks of 1950’s fashion – harking back to a time when someone painstakingly hand-stitched elements onto a garment to make it truly one of a kind. In today’s world of fast fashion, where things are barely made to endure a walk round the block, I have an even deeper appreciation for the person who took their time. Who made a piece to last a lifetime. To make a woman stand in sharp relief, instead of fade into the background.