Browsing CategoryDaily Outfits


Inertia - The Dressed Aesthetic

This time of year always has a feeling of inevitability. I don’t know what it is. Pre-Thanksgiving always still feels like autumn, where the cool weather is just beginning and we’re only about 3/4 of the way into the year. And then the second the last drumstick has been polished off and the last dish dried, this side of the holiday feels as if we are barreling towards 2018 with a force too powerful to stop.

Forever Summer

Forever Summer - The Dressed Aesthetic

There is something amazing about living in a place where you can find a day that breathes a hint of summer’s past in the middle of November. I spent the last several days in DC, shivering to my bones as I scurried between wind swept streets. And a short flight south back to NC, and I found myself in the middle of a quasi-summer. Sure, the autumnal crispness still remains, but it just takes a bit of sun to peak through for me to toss off the cardigan and dash outside, hoping to catch a few rays.

{Review} Pretty Dress Company Hepburn Dress

{Review} Pretty Dress Company Hepburn Dress - The Dressed Aesthetic

I always get a frisson of excitement when I feel the first few whisps of autumn. Don’t get me wrong – I can (and do!) wax poetic about my sundresses. But, there’s just something about autumnal layers that gets me excited about the fashion possibilities. Textures and plaids and some of my most favorite tights can come out to play. So, I was super excited to see some of the fall offerings at Unique Vintage these past few weeks and I was especially thrilled for the opportunity to take this perfect plaid Hepburn dress by The Pretty Dress Company out…

{Review} Cause I’m All About That Pouf : Hand Made Petticoats

{Review} Cause I'm All About That Pouf : Hand Made Petticoats - The Dressed Aesthetic

As a gal who loves her 1950’s silhouette, the search for the perfect petticoat is real and all encompassing. Awhile back, I reviewed some of my favorite tried-and-true petticoats to help my fellow vintage-loving ladies navigate the waters. But, I was still finding myself endlessly searching for the Petticoat of Dreams that could be both soft and full, affordable but high quality. Was this simply a pipe dream, never to come to fruition?? 

Daisy Jean Floral: As A Cat Does…

Daisy Jean Floral: As A Cat Does... - The Dressed Aesthetic

There are few things that can make me happier than accessories. And though I’m not as on my game when it comes to things like earrings (nickel allergy) or rings (way too many shark dissections to make that practical), brooches are my jam. I think the word “brooch” tends to conjure up images of old ladies and doilies. Au contraire. There is a whole world of quirky, whimsical, fabulous brooches to take your outfit from mundane to magical. And I was so beyond excited to get to work with Daisy Jean Floral on this post, who’s brooch designs are too…

{Review} Budding Beauties Alice Dress

{Review} Budding Beauties Alice Dress - The Dressed Aesthetic

I don’t know if it’s just me, but as soon as the collaboration between Micheline Pitt and Unique Vintage hit cyberspace, I was pretty much drooling over every single piece. The prints, the full skirts, just take my money now and save us a whole lot of trouble. And when this Budding Beauties Alice Dress flew straight from Unique Vintage and into my arms, she did not disappoint.

No Apologies Necessary

No Apologies Necessary - The Dressed Aesthetic

Lately I’ve noticed I start every email with some variant of, “Apologies for my delayed reply…” or “I’m so sorry I haven’t written in awhile!” Every phone call, every coffee date, even text messages these days have a standard-letter intro in the form of an apology. I noticed it runs rampant across my fellow bloggers as well – and endless string of apologies as to why we haven’t been able to post regularly, respond to comments fast enough. I’d personally like to start a movement where all of these apologies STOP.

{Review} Bad Moon Rising: Annie Night Sky Print Swing Dress

{Review} Bad Moon Rising: Annie Night Sky Print Swing Dress - The Dressed Aesthetic

I must admit, I’m not one who gets all that into Halloween. Don’t get me wrong, I love to dress up and can carve pumpkins with the best of ’em. But, when it comes to fashion, my heart doesn’t skip a beat for skull prints or cobwebs. I’ve always hated horror movies, avoid haunted houses like the plague, and derive no pleasure from being scared out of my whits. So, when I see a dress that is uber Halloween-specific, I’ll often pass it by in favor of one that can be styled for spooky purposes, but can also be worn…

But Another Innocent Tale…

But Another Innocent Tale - The Dressed Aesthetic

As I’m sure you guys know by now, I love me some cute shoes. I have a particular penchant for heels, and as my size 9’s rarely can squeeze themselves Cinderella-stepsister style into true vintage shoes, I’m always on the lookout for vintage inspired brands. So, I may be a bit late to the party, but having recently discovered B.A.I.T Footwear in the last year, I can’t help but wonder where they’ve been all my vintage-loving life.

Trade You…

Trade You - The Dressed Aesthetic

I have been collecting vintage for as far back as I can remember. True, in the early days, it hadn’t cemented as a true passion just yet. Hours spent in the costume closet of my high school theatre made me feel a kinship to the garments I would find there. As if they too were the misfits, where a layer of dust and circumstance had rendered them forgotten pieces of fashion past.