Browsing CategoryTips

Pop Star

A friend on Instagram asked me recently for advice on how to use accessories to incorporate pop color into an outfit. She always found that she was reaching for her black shoes to go with her black dress and was looking for ways to shake things up. I’m certain she’s not the only one who’s intimidated by this styling challenge, but trust me that anyone can embrace the pop color to make an outfit look effortless. Sometimes, I go a bit color crazy and over accessorize and have to backtrack to find the pop color happy medium. None of us…

Spotlight On: Capsule Vintage

Once every month or so, I’m turning the Spotlight On some of my favorite vintage treasure troves – both local and online – and give you a bit of insight into the shop owners and their curation process (see last month’s feature here). Today’s spotlight is on one of my very favorite etsy shops: Capsule Vintage. One question I am hands-down asked most often is: Where on EARTH do you find these dresses?? To find out the answer to this question, read on….

Home Grown, Home Sewn

One of the best interests I ever followed through on was learning how to sew. It’s empowering to be able to make your own clothes and to make the clothes you buy fit perfectly. I tend to make a beeline for the $10 pile in an op shop that are full of beauties that need a zip replaced or torn seams repaired – they no longer seem disposable, but full of opportunities to make like new again. It also changes the way you view your body – it’s no longer about changing yourself to fit the clothes, but changing the CLOTHES you fit…