One thing that will always be a part of my life is travel – I love to see parts of the world I’ve never been to and will always have the itch to explore. This past week I set foot on South American soil for the first time, and got to hobnob with other nerdy shark scientists in Joao Pessoa, Brazil for our twice-a-decade shark meeting. I loved every bit of the trip: the science, the Brazilian cuisine, the lovely locals who we got to meet during our discovery of the city, and being vaguely out of my comfort zone as I tried to communicate is (very) broken Portuguese. But, as much as I love darting off into the great unknown, there is also nothing like that feeling of coming home.
My grad student and I had a bit of an adventure on the way back. Due to a crazy tailwind, our flight into the US was delayed and we missed our connecting flight. This caused a domino effect of madness, which resulted in being placed on standby for various new flights that might get us back to where we began 10 days ago. Thankfully, after over 24 hours of travel and some much-needed mojitos in the airport, we landed safely home. I’ve never been so happy to see my bed in my life and immediately slept for about 12 straight hours. I’ve also never been so happy to see my vintage, waving merrily at me from my closet this morning. Living out of a suitcase is part and parcel when it comes to overseas travel (and part of the fun), but it was like Christmas morning today being back to having full access to the wardrobe….

This amazing vintage strapless dress from Garb Oh Vintage called to me this morning, with her curves and edges hugging my curves and edges perfectly. There was something about her that reminded me so much of the Brazil I left behind, who’s local shops full of stunning, brightly colored embroidery and eyelet lace called to me from every street corner. I somehow managed to resist the temptation to fill my suitcase, overage charges keeping me at bay. But, at least I can pay a bit of homage to Joao Pessoa today with this look – which welcomed a whole lot of shark scientists with open arms and who’s hospitality I am forever grateful for.
Now, I’m bleary-eyed and slowly trying to get back into the swing of things. The mental energy of the trip and physical exhaustion fo the adventure took it’s toll, but I have a To Do list a mile long that’s only going to get longer if I don’t get cracking. It’s hard to believe that two short days ago I was in Brazil, lilting music filling the air. But it’s a good reminder of how small the world really is. And how adventure is just a plane ride away.
Now, where to next??
Outfit Details:
Dress: Garb Oh Vintage (similar modern and vintage here, here, & here)
Necklace: Vintage (similar)
Belt: ASOS (similar)
Handbag: c/o LolaVon Rose
Heels: Lola Ramona (similar here & here)
Lip Color: Besame Red Hot Red
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