As many of you may remember from this post, I’m a big fan of the website Cut Out & Keep. They have amazing tutorials for all kinds of DIY Projects, from sewing to jewelry to cocktails. So, when they contacted me and asked if I might put together a collective of DIY projects that would help readers emulate Coco Chanel, I was all in!
Every day is a fashion show and the world is the runway.
Coco Chanel
I don’t tend to have a lot of fashion icons. I get asked this question a lot, but have personally found I’m less inspired by someone’s particular style and more inspired by their vibe – even if someone’s fashion aesthetic is completely different from mine, I love to see people who are clearly dressing to please themselves. I love unexpected combinations and unabashed style choices. Unapologetic women (and men) who are just “doing them” and shining from within.
And for exactly those reasons, I LOVE Chanel. I love her vibe, her clean lines and simplicity. I love that she was a hardcore business woman who established her own couturier and created one of the most stunningly successful clothing lines of the day (which still persists today). But mostly, I love her attitude. She had a philosophy about fashion, about the way women should dress to celebrate themselves. Post World War I, her designs took women away from a restricted corseted style of the early 1900’s into a new form of feminine standard – from the quintessential Little Black Dress to probably the very first power suit, Chanel epitomizes the phrase “timeless fashion.”
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.
Coco Chanel

For me, it’s more the attitude than personal style that makes someone an Icon and it’s that air of being completely comfortable in your own skin that’s something to aspire to. And Chanel did all of that and then some. In a way, if we were to ever cross paths, I’d like to think we would have been friends. As the very least, we would have shared a cocktail or three and reveled in our mutual sass.
I hope you head over and check out the collection of DIY Projects I put together. A few of my favorite fellow bloggers also recently put together their own collections to recreate looks from Audrey Hepburn (done by Lindsey of Have Clothes, Will Travel) and Janelle Monae (done by Jen from Dressing With Class) – hope you head over and get inspired!
Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.
Coco Chanel
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