Something you may have noticed in all of my ramblings, is that I tend to write the way I speak (not that you’ve all necessarily heard me speak, but I’m sure you can imagine it. Picture a whackadoo american-aussie hybrid accent speaking way too quickly). On the blog, I try to keep my writing fairly conversational and will jot down most things that pop into my head. Along with my stream of consciousness prose comes a tendency to abuse ellipses… You know, those magical three little dots that indicate a pregnant pause. An omission. A fill-in-the-blank…
Those dots can say a whole lot without having to say a word. And so tender is my affection for the adorable ellipsis that I feel I may have loved them too much. To the point of punctuation abuse. I tied them up and kept them captive and force them to work overtime without extra pay. But I can’t help it – there are times when a comma just won’t do. Life doesn’t stop abruptly with a period. Real life is full of connected thoughts, voices trailing off, and final thoughts lingering in the air. Our thoughts never stop, so why stay shackled within the confines of standard grammar?

What better outfit to celebrate my inexhaustible love for the ellipsis than a dress covered in dots! I thought it was highly appropriate. I love the two contrasting fabrics of this polka dot cutie, one inverted against the other. This naturally meant I went a little overboard and layered my black and white petticoats too. Just cause I can.
I’m not sure how many of you also live in Perth, but we’ve been facing CRAZY rain all weekend. We were meant to go and visit The Nostalgia Box (a vintage video game museum) this weekend and were completely rained out. I barely had time in between showers to dash outside for a quick outfit photo. So we spent most of the weekend in and I ended up pondering grammar. Exciting no?
I’m hoping the sun fights her way through at some point this week, but the forecast is warning me not to get my hopes up. At least I have my rainbow shoes to peak through the clouds…
What did you get up to this weekend?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Capsule Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar here)
Necklace: Unique Vintage (similar here & here)
Handbag: Ollie & Nic (similar)
Shoes: Lola Ramone via Modcloth (similar here & here)
Lip Color: Lime Crime Retrofuturist