I have and will always have a weakness for novelty prints. Their quirkiness and whimsy, what’s not to love? I am particularly enamored with prints that look like polka dots from afar, but reveal their true colors the closer you get. When I first spied this particular dress, it looked like a series of black, brown and blue swirls…but upon closer inspection I nearly squawked with the cuteness of it all. I mean, ROOSTERS? Now there’s something to crow about…
I find that I go through phases with my shopping. Like tunnel vision, I tend to find several dresses at once or several stunning vintage necklaces. It’s almost like my purchasing eye can only focus on one category at a time (probably a self-preservation mechanism put in place by my Visa card years ago). Lately, I’ve been a bit obsessed with novelty prints, as evidenced by the fact that the last few items to grace my closet have definitely erred on the side of fanciful. Be it sharks swirling around a fishy shoal or faeries dancing in the garden at midnight, clearly it’s all kinds of whackadoodle print time fun in our house!

There are actually a number of very protective qualities about roosters. Sure, most of us remember them for the racket they make at the crack of dawn (any noise pre-caffeine is unacceptable) – but it’s actually a myth that they only crow at first light. The really rowdy roosters crow any old time they please. But they also watch out for the area where their hens are nesting, alert them to danger nearby, and have no problem throwing down if a predator gets too close. They also cluck to ring a dinner bell of sorts, to let the hens know when they’ve found food.
A rooster actually sounds like a rather useful mate to keep around – at the very least, I feel a bit safer having an army of them on my dress. Unfortunately, it’s not all barnyard fun down here today, as I dart between meeting after meeting. Preparations are underway for yet another bout of traveling and there’s a lot of things to organize before I go. But I have to admit, I like the idea of having a protector with me today, hanging out on his roost, keeping the predators at bay. At the very least, I’d like my rooster spirit guide to alert me to incoming coffee, because I can say with absolute certainly I’m going to need it.
Happy Monday lovelies!!
{By the way, have you entered my GreaterGoodsVintage giveaway yet?? Time is running out to win a $100 GC. Full details in how to enter can be found here.}
Outfit Details:
Dress: Butch Wax Vintage (similar here, here, here & here
and I found a skirt in the exact same fabric here!)
Cardigan: Rococo Vintage (similar modern here & here or or vintage here & here)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar here & here)
Brooch: Frock You Vintage (similar here & here)
Bag: Mo-Mo’s Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: Irregular Choice (similar here, here & here)