One of my favorite Emerson quotes has always been, “The Earth Laughs in Flowers.” The very idea that a bud pushing through the earth is like a giggle escaping, until it reaches full bloom of laughter, always makes me smile. If Emerson is right, then this amazing Souré bag from Poppycock Vintage has succumbed to a full belly laugh, hand clenched to her side, with tears streaming down her face. And her blooms perfectly matched the smirk of this Tuesday Rose Vintage dress, who’s embroidered flowers are about to bubble over in mirth.
Not only is it a lovely sentiment, but I always thought that quote serves as a good reminder that not everyone communicates in the same way. We don’t always use the same words or the same gestures to convey emotion as the person standing next to us. I am definitely guilty of wanting someone to communicate and express themselves in the exact same way that I do, all the while failing to notice the myriad of ways they’re trying to tell me exactly what I need to hear.
Imagine if you were dating Mother Earth, and believed her to have zero sense of humor. And there she was, laughing in flowers the whole time…

The whole concept of a ‘love language’ is really intriguing – I remember reading about it way back when in my 20’s during some relationship turmoil or another. It’s based on a book that describes how we all (apparently) have a primary and secondary love language from these five: gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, and physical touch. So, perhaps a partner isn’t the best at expressing how he/she feels verbally, but would run out and scrape the snow off your car every morning. Or you aren’t a huge fan of PDA, but always tell your partner how awesome they are. We’re all still expressing how much we love, but it’s not always in the same manner as we’re receiving it.
It’s not just about love language, but communication in general. I remember early on in our dating, whenever we were debating a topic, Mr. Dressed wouldn’t answer me right away. He’d sometimes close his eyes and wait a few minutes. As an external processor, I assumed this was him shutting me out, when instead he was formulating his response fully in his head before coming out with it. It took me a verrrrrry long time to accept that not everyone babbles every thought in their head aloud before coming to a conclusion (fellow external processors will know what I mean). But, I’ve learned you’ve just got to let your mate think it through. And not speak. (I know…)
So, as I type this, latte in hand made by my beloved (acts of service is definitely one of his love languages), I’m hoping to appreciate the way those around me communicate and take the time spot the flowers along the path, delighting in Mother Nature’s mirth.
Whats your love language?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Tuesday Rose Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Necklace: Vintage (similar)
Belt: Anthropologie (similar)
Handbag: Poppycock Vintage (similar here & here)
Petticoat: Malco Modes
Shoes: Mark Jacobs, thrifted from Mo-Mo’s Vintage (similar here & here)
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