Wow, 2016 arrived and January was gone in a flash! I think it had something to do with the fact the the first half of my January involved a whole lot of blissful relaxation. The University tends to close down for much of the month, and that kept my inbox at bay and my mind on vintage pursuits.
But then, time moved on as time tends to do, and work started back up and it was back to chaos and craziness, lab work and papers. I’m barreling headlong into lecturing next month, and am trying to do as much prep work now so that I don’t turn into a headless chicken by the end of it (which would not be a good look. I don’t think even my styling capabilities could work around a lack of head).
Even straddling the dichotomy of vacation and the back-to-work zone, I was happy to see my vintage game stayed intact this month. Here’s a roundup of some of my favorite outfits from January to start the new year off properly (for full outfit details, feel free to check out the original post):

Dress: Minxouri Vintage (similar modern & vintage)

Bag: One Sweet Thread (similar here & here)
Shoes: DSW (similar here & here)

Dress: Minxouri Vintage (similar here & here)

Dress: Butch Wax Vintage (similar modern & vintage) // Bolero: Bonzie
Shoes: Madden Girl (similar)
Dress: Butch Wax Vintage (similar here & here)

Skirt: Pinup Persuasion (similar here) // Top: Express (similar here & here)
Bag: Unique Vintage (similar)

Skirt: Pinup Persuasion (similar here & here)
Shoes: Farylrobin (similar)

Dress: Wheels & Dollbaby (similar here & here) // Shoes: Irregular Choice (similar here & here)

Tights: Pretty Polly // Bag: Mo-Mo’s Vintage (similar here & here)

Dress: Blue Fennel (similar modern & vintage) // Bag: Gift (similar)

Dress: Blue Fennel (similar here & here) // Belt: Anthropologie (similar)
Necklace: Adeline’s Attic (similar here)

Blouse: Word from the Bird (similar here & here) // Bag: Word from the Bird (similar here & here)

Skirt: Bettie Page via Modcloth (similar here & here)
And though it wasn’t on the blog, I have to post my favorite entry into #JennyJanuary – a style challenge created by the incomparable Miss Amy May to encourage ladies to bring their Jenny-style dresses from Pinup Girl Clothing out into the sun! It runs from 18-24th January and had over 800 entries this year! If you didn’t take part this time around, be sure to keep an eye out next year. I’ll be sure to do a full blog post on this outfit soon…

It’s been a super busy few weeks – in addition to getting back into the swing of things at work, many of you know I’ve been ruthlessly cleaning out my wardrobe. It’s always good to have an annual closet purge (particularly when it starts to take over your house). After a few weeks of decision making, photographing, and measuring, the sale is finally happening and will go live at Shop Dressedapp’s Closet this coming Sunday (9:30am, Perth time). All sales will be going through Instagram, though I’ll also have a blog post to help you peruse what’s on offer, review the rules, and give you shipping estimates to various worldwide destinations.
I guess one of the best things about a closet cleanup is that you can start to imagining the new things to fill their places! Here’s looking forward to the vintage to come in 2016.
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