Forever Summer

Forever Summer - The Dressed Aesthetic

There is something amazing about living in a place where you can find a day that breathes a hint of summer’s past in the middle of November. I spent the last several days in DC, shivering to my bones as I scurried between wind swept streets. And a short flight south back to NC, and I found myself in the middle of a quasi-summer. Sure, the autumnal crispness still remains, but it just takes a bit of sun to peak through for me to toss off the cardigan and dash outside, hoping to catch a few rays.

Although I can convince myself that winter isn’t really here yet, I need to admit that Christmas is fast approaching. I know. But guys, the first step is acceptance. I’ve started to get myself organized for shopping and have my annual hope of finishing the bulk of it before 1 December (ohhhh how the universe laughs. But, it’s good to have goals). As usual, I plan to share my annual Black Friday deals post, where I gather all of the deals I’ve spotted around the inter webs from my favorite vintage and vintage inspired shops to help you on your shopping adventures. Why not recover from the turkey binge and snag a bargain while we can?

Forever Summer - The Dressed Aesthetic

Forever Summer - The Dressed Aesthetic
Outfit styled using Dressed for iPhone

Forever Summer - The Dressed Aesthetic Forever Summer - The Dressed Aesthetic Forever Summer - The Dressed Aesthetic Forever Summer - The Dressed Aesthetic Forever Summer - The Dressed Aesthetic

In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer
Albert Camus

Forever Summer - The Dressed Aesthetic Forever Summer - The Dressed Aesthetic Forever Summer - The Dressed Aesthetic Forever Summer - The Dressed Aesthetic Forever Summer - The Dressed Aesthetic Forever Summer - The Dressed AestheticForever Summer - The Dressed Aesthetic Forever Summer - The Dressed Aesthetic

I admit it’s been a bit slow around here lately. This semester has completely swallowed me whole, which leaves very little time for the things I enjoy. Although I’m not going to start apologizing for being an absentee blogger (cause life happens and I know you guys get it), I definitely miss the time I used to be able to devote to this space. So I will have to resort to embracing the little moments. The sunny day that peaks through the clouds. This lemon striped dress from Sweet Life Vintage that captures the sunshine. And the most perfect daffodil handbag, handmade for me by the amazing laura kimsey, to always remind me of the beautiful things that exist in the world.

If we’re talking about things to be thankful for, Mr. Dressed and I have been counting down the days until December 11th. This is when the semester will be over for me and I can catch my breath, catch up on sleep, and engage in the age-old tradition of lounging. I almost can’t believe I’ve nearly survived my first year in a new faculty position, which was every bit as hard as they warned. But, I suppose like anything, within the madness there are always going to be brief bursts of sunshine. The moments that make it worth it. It’s just a matter of catching them while you can.

Here’s hoping we all catch at least one ray of sunshine today.



Outfit Details:
Dress: Sweet Life Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here, & here)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Necklace: handmade by Will Oaks Studio
Handbag: Laura Kimsey
Shoes: Melissa’s via Bettina Darling (similar here & here)


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