Okay, we all know I love to dress up. I get fancy for a Tuesday. So I practically start to quiver with excitement when I get to get seriously frocked up. And not run-of-the-mill, simply wearing a dress fancy. I’m talking: Glitter. Tulle. Heels so high I become Amazonian. Eyeshadow so glittery I am mistaken for a disco ball. Skirts so poofy they need their own zip code. That level of fancy. Because standing under the mistletoe, welcoming the jolly fat guy in a red suit, ringing in the new year – these are not things to be taken lightly when it comes to achieving quality frockdom.
I have not yet settled on my Christmas frock yet (If you need some inspiration, I put together a Fancy Frock wishlist last month). It’s generally a process for me, where I sort through my most frou-frou options and go with the one that calls to me on Christmas day (let’s be honest, it’s an excuse to get all dressed up in multiple vintage confections and twirl around my garden. But hey, does a gal really ever really need an excuse?)

Dress: Adored Vintage (similar modern & vintage)

Dress: Adored Vintage

Dress: Unique Vintage // Heels: Miss L Fire via Anthropologie (similar here & here)
I usually have three outfits that come into rotation on Christmas day – the fanciest of frothy confections, which I wear first. Then, I usually change into something a bit more comfortable, but still festive after dinner (because a cinched waist will not accommodate all of the turkey and stuffing I plan to consume). By the end of the evening, I usually make my way into crazy Christmas pajamas, gifted to me over many Christmases past by my sister. Now, it’s a bit too hot here in Perth to wear the fleecy ones with the santa heads as feet (oh yes, those exist), but my feetless red and green striped ones must be donned because, it’s just not Christmas without some crazy festive pajamas. I bet you’re wishing you had a photo of those aren’t you? I think that would require a Christmas miracle…
I really like the Christmas traditions I’ve built with my family over the years, and then built with Mr. Dressed, and the ones we’ve built here in Perth with our friends. When we were young, Christmas morning was all about the joy of bursting into our living room to discover that Santa Claus had come the night before. Even later, after we’d learned the truth about our Christmas hero, my sister and I would forbid our mother from putting out our Christmas gifts until Christmas morning (much to her chagrin). As a fully married adult, I still get indulged in my favorite tradition, as Mr. Dressed dutifully hides in the bathroom while I sneak gifts for him under the tree on Christmas morning (and vice versa), so we can each emerge surprised and delighted by the magic that appears under the tree…
Heels: Shoe Bakery (see the tutorial on how to make your own!) // Handbag: Beleza Vintage
Dress: Adored Vintage (similar) // Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Dress: Adored Vintage // Hangbag: Gift (similar)
Dress: Unique Vintage (similar modern & vintage) // Cherry Shoe Clips: La Belle Vintage
Dress: Ruby Fayes Vintage (similar here & here)
Although time is ticking, if you haven’t snagged the perfect Christmas party dress, don’t lose hope! If your heart is set on vintage, check with your favorite Etsy sellers to see if they’d ship overnight, or hit up your local haunts to see what beauties lie within. I’ve also found that a dress that may not look fancy at first glance can be perfectly frocked up with the right accessories (rhinestones are your friend).
If you want to go vintage inspired, Unique Vintage, Chi Chi London, and Modcloth all have amazing party dresses (Chi Chi London is offering a mystery discount with codes Xmas1, Xmas2 or Xmas3 and Modcloth is also offering an extra 30% off already-on-sale styles with code L8R2015). Remember in all of the hustle and bustle of the holidays to take some time out to spoil yourself.
Whatever you end up wearing, I hope your holiday season is merry and bright and spent with the people you love the most. Although my favorite people are scattered all around the globe, they’re never very far from my heart.
Happy Christmas week!
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