Frolic Time!

Frolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic

Although I love the outside of a dress – the fabric, the detail, the embellishments – the sewing nerd in me will always love the parts you can’t see. The interior construction, the seam finishes, the thought put into the woman who may want to customize her. I also love when you can tell a dressmaker had a bit of a sense of humor. While I originally fell in love with this Greater Goods Vintage dress for her purply stripes, what truly stole my heart was the label within…

The label on this grapeĀ striped cutie reads “Frolic Time California.” Can you imagine how much fun is must have been to work for that company?Ā Deadlines? Meetings? Forget about it! Instead, think Dance Party! Twirling! I imagine a workplace with endless music to boogie to. Employees bursting into song. Crinolines swishing, wingtips tapping. For some reasonĀ I close my eyes and this dress transports me to my very own version of a 1950’s musical. Wishful thinking on my part, but I can’t help but believe life would be a lot more fun if people randomly burst into song…

Frolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic

Frolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic
Outfit styled using Dressed for iPhone

Frolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic Frolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic Frolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic Frolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic Frolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic Frolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic Frolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic

O to have my life henceforth a poem ofĀ newĀ joys!
To dance, clap hands, exult, shout, skip, leap, roll on, floatĀ on
Walt Whitman

Frolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic Frolic Time - The Dressed AestheticFrolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic Frolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic Frolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic Frolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic Frolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic

I‘m off this week to a conference in Tasmania – though there will surely be some level of frolic, which is unavoidable when me and my fellow shark nerds get together, it should hopefully be a week of good talks and good science. I’ve been asked to give a keynote (read: fancy talk where you’re supposed to know what you’re talking about). No pressure. I’m speaking in a special session about women in science – highlighting the great work by members of our scientific community, but also speaking to promote gender equity in a field where, sadly, there are still wide gender gaps.

I thinkĀ we all face some level of adversity throughout our careers – no matter what, when you’re on a path to get to the next level, there will unavoidably be obstacles put in your path. And these obstacles can be brought forth by bureaucracy, jealousy, antiquated policies; but, they can also be brought about by things like your gender, color of your skin, nationality, what brand of socks you’re wearing. The point is, obstacles will exist. People will always be telling you that you can’t. All you can do is wage a war against the constant Sayers of the Can’t. And in a sea of voices, ensure that yours, the one saying you can, is the loudest.

And when in doubt, frolic.



Outfit Details:
Dress:Ā Greater Goods Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here, & here)
Belt: Anthropologie (similar)
Bracelet: Made by my sisterĀ (similar)
Handbag: Vintage (similar hereĀ & here)
Shoes: Poetic LicenseĀ (similarĀ hereĀ &Ā here)

Lip Color: Centrifuchsia


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The Dressed Aesthetic
