For my first outfit post up on the blog, I decided it was only right to start with an old favorite. There is just something about drop-waisted dresses that make my heart skip a beat. I’ve had this 1950s eyelet stunner for years and it really embodies the evolution of the way I used to view my body and the way I celebrate it now. I think that clothing has an amazing ability to turn what we perceive to be negatives into a positive.
I have always been tall. I was 5’9 when I was 12 years old, and due to a lack of any and all athletic coordination, those thoughts you might be having of a proficiency in basketball or volleyball are sadly giving credit where it is SO not due. And all through high school I cursed my height – I was like a baby deer, all angled elbows and gangly limbs. I never wore heels for fear of towering over my peers more than I already did. I hid in layers of flannel (it was the 1990s after all) and did my best to blend in.

Thankfully, over the years I started to gain an appreciation for the things that I once thought were negatives. My long, coltish legs became an advantage in a cute mod mini. My stick straight hair that rebelled against the ever-popular perm that I coveted in the 80’s was now an huge asset when I learned I could just roll out of bed and go in the morning. And as for the fear of heels…well, we all know I outgrew THAT. As an added bonus, my height came equipped with a long waist…perfect for wide belts. Ideal for a high waisted skirt that doesn’t need to sit right under my chest. And just perfect for a drop waisted eyelet dress, who waited patiently for 60+ years for me to find her.
And the truth of the matter is, no matter what my insecurities may be, life is simply better with a butt bow. It just is.
I hope you’re all having a “butt bow” kind of Monday!
Outfit Details:
Dress: The Vintage Studio (similar)
Perspex Bag: Boutique in Melbourne
Shoes: Irregular Choice via Amazon (similar here & here)
Necklace: Vintage, from my Grandmother (Similar)