Well, that day is finally upon us – Happy Christmas and Merry Hanukkah everyone! I know that this day can mean different things to different people. For me, this is time when I take a deep breath. Where I try to let go of any anger or potential drama and look ahead. Where Mr. Dressed and I take some time for ourselves, tear into presents with glee, and stuff ourselves silly to an endless loop of holiday music.
Wishing all of my readers, sponsors, friends and family the happiest of holiday seasons. For those out there who this time of year is especially hard for – know you are never without support. We’re staying in this year – spending our first Christmas in our new country and new state, cozied up in our pajamas, opening presents and cooking up a feast. We have Skypes scheduled around the world with our loved ones (Yes, still. Our international prowess knows no bounds and we are never without the magic of having to navigate through time zones).

This has been a year of incredible change – some good change, some hard – but each time this festive season rolls around, despite the crazy ups and downs of the year preceding it, I am unbelievably grateful to all of you for being a part of what has made 2016 amazing. I am always humbled by the love sent to my little corner of the net and for all of you for stopping by and keeping up with my fashionable misadventures.
I can’t wait to see what 2017 brings into our lives (and our closets!)
Outfit Details:
Dress: Butch Wax Vintage (similar modern and vintage here & here)
Shoulder Chain: Nous Savons (similar)
Handbag: Gift (similar)
Shoes: Shoe Bakery
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