There are a lot of interesting things about any given workday for me. I work with sharks + brains + students – so some might say every day is an adventure. But, as much as I love my job, so full of discoveries and an exciting frenetic pace, theĀ best part of my day is still that moment when I pull into the driveway. Because each day, without fail, my husband will hear the telltale sound of the garage door and will come out to greet me. Sometimes, he’ll do a funny “welcome home” dance in the doorway, which always makes me laugh. Other days, he’ll just poke his arm through the door with a glass of wine or a cocktail at the end of it (particularly if he knows it’s been a tough day). But, every day, irrespective of the house we live in or country we seem to have found ourselves in this year, it’s the moment when I know that I’m home.
In addition to being a one-man welcome wagon, another thing Mr. Dressed is exceedingly good at is picking out vintage (I know! I married exceedingly well). Although I know it can be stressful for him, he stares down the Vintage Rabbit hole that is Etsy each birthday and holiday and always manages to find me something special. This gauzy green beauty was one I somehow managed to miss at one of my very favorite shops Jumblelaya – but imagine my delight when I unwrapped her on Christmas morning! No sooner had I buttoned her up and felt that perfect swish of a skirt, that I knew the man had done it again….

Speaking of perfection, I need to take a minute to discuss this handbag. I admittedly haven’t jumped on the Unicorn Bandwagon that’s come charging through town of late. I personally have no desire to dye my hair in rainbow colors, eat a rainbow grilled cheese or rock that iridescent blue lipstick. However, when this Unicorn Cake Bag popped up from Shoe Bakery, I knew I had to get on that glittery, golden-horned trend at last. And she is just about perfect – from the 3D flowers to her eternally happy expression. She also comes with the option to have her as a shoulder bag OR a backpack, which is pretty amazing. My only wish is for the option to shorten the strap to a handbag length (I’m a hook over the elbow and run kind of gal….)
So, vintage on and unicorn bag a swingin’, I’m off! This is the final stretch before Spring break, and I daresay the professors are looking forward to it more than the students! I for one plan to use it to catch up on blogging, finish some sewing projects, and try to get a paper draft off my desk. Oh yes, and there will be napping. Lots of napping. It is definitely something to look forward to.
But for now, I’ll just look forward to the Welcome Home dance that is waiting to greet me at the end of my day…
Outfit Details:
Dress: gift, Jumblelaya (similarĀ modernĀ or vintageĀ here,Ā hereĀ &Ā here)
Necklace: Gift (similar)
Bracelet: gift, Swarovski
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Handbag: Shoe Bakery
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell (similar here & here)
Lip Color:Ā Schiap
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