This past weekend I did something I haven’t done in months: I painted my nails. I realize this seems like a very mundane thing to most people; but for me painting my nails has always been the purest form of indulgence. Because when you work in a profession like mine, you are quite literally getting your hands dirty in one shark or another, or clattering away on the keys of a computer for hours on end. Thanks to these occupational hazards, it’s unlikely that a manicure will ever last very long. But somehow it never matters. It doesn’t matter if it looks perfect or chips after a day or two. Because it’s not about how long it lasts. It’s about taking the time just for me.
So, I took an hour and spent it on myself, brushing the perfect periwinkle color on my nails that was reminiscent of my favorite Crayola crayon as a kid. Then I took a few more hours, donned a new skirt from my most recent trip to NYC, and headed downtown with my Mister to finally explore this city of ours. We browsed in local vintage shops, dined on salty onion rings and beer at Front Street Brewery, and revelled in the pure joy of skipping along the riverfront and finally having a weekend off.

Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.
Mae West
I‘m convinced that we all have those indulgences. And what’s more, we need them. Those little things that we do for ourselves that no one else understands, but is your secret luxury. The thing that, when you get extremely busy, is sadly the first thing to go because it feels expendable. But I’ve realized these past few weeks how important it is to always do those little things for yourself: because it’s the Little Things can make you strong enough to face the Big Things.
So, I started the weekend putting myself first and charged into work today raring to go. I’m spending the day finishing off a draft of a book chapter. And I have to say, it’s far more pleasant to type about shark cognition with brightly varnished nails. Every now and then I can glance down, see a wink of color and the hint of that first inevitable chip. But instead of making me frustrated, it makes me smile. Because it was never about perfection. It was only ever about me.
What’s your indulgence?
Outfit Details:
Top: H&M, sold out (similar)
Skirt: H&M
Brooch: The Wonder Shop (similar)
Sunglasses: Beleza Vintage (similar)
Bag: Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell (similar here & here)
Lip Color: BITE Matte Creme Lip Crayon
Nail Color: Essie Bikini So Teeny
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