Every now and then, certain items catch my eye and I can’t get them out of my head. And generally, those items involve glitter. You know the drill – you see something amazing and talk yourself out of it. Reasons ranging from ‘it’s not quite the right shade of blue’ or ‘you’re not sure it’s practical’ all the way to another desperate attempt to put yourself on a spending binge. My weak resistance flowed like lava from the Inevitability Volcano. Oh, I can come up with excuses like the best of ’em (I’m also rather skilled at coming up with rationalizations. A deadly combination). Cause really, all you’re doing is delaying an easily foreseeable outcome. Enter this amazing handbag.
I spied this bag (henceforth known as the Glitter Handbag of Awesome) while browsing Etsy. As I was on aforementioned spending binge, I snapped my laptop shut with resolve. If I didn’t see her, she would go away. But, those baby those blue irises had already bored into my own and I knew I was a goner.
Suffice to say the Glitter Handbag of Awesome haunted my dreams. She winked at me from across the pond. That glittery teardrop slid down her cheek and I actually believed she might be SAD if we were kept apart (I told you my rationalizations know no bounds). I had basically made about 18 outfits around her before I finally caved and realized – sometimes, it doesn’t have to make sense. It just belongs in your closet. And what better to go with her glittering gaze than a dress that wears her heart on her sleeve?

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
I‘m completely smitten with this dress from Oh Henry Vintage – actually one of my first purchases when I moved to Perth and was searching for a bit of vintage love. My favorite feature of this dress is that from afar, the print simply looks like polka dots. But the closer you get, you see they’re miniature hearts, loving up on every inch of this dress. It serves as a nice reminder – love is everywhere, if you just take the time to look closely.
I’m trying to keep the loving feelings alive as I face Monday with a bit of trepidation. Though I always try to look on the positive side (case in point), sometimes it is REALLY hard to love Mondays. Or even like them all that much. Especially when yesterday was one of those gloriously lazy days – we had a lovely picnic in the park. Willie got to snarfle around and we got to snack on wine and cheese and stare at the clouds rolling peacefully by. Then, I tackled a tailoring project I’ve been meaning to get to for ages (stay tuned!) and finished off the evening with tacos and beer. Sigh. Can you blame me for wanting just one more Sunday? What can I say – the heart wants what the heart wants.
What is your heart craving this week?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Oh Henry Vintage (similar modern here & here or vintage here, here & here)
Belt: Modern Millie’s (similar here & here)
Bracelet: Swarovski, gift from the Mister (similar here & here)
Handbag: Luna on the Moon
Shoes: Melissa’s (nearly identical here)