Getting used to new surroundings can be a bit daunting. Luckily, as I spent the majority of my life in the US, it’s not quite as much of a culture shock as it may be to some. But being abroad will always give you new perspectives on the places that were once so familiar. How large everything seems here – portion sizes and cars and pretty much everything you buy comes in a super sized pack. But there are also the odd little luxuries I completely forgot about while living in Australia – washing machines living next to dryers (dryers are usually relegated to the garage in Aus, which means a lot of lugging of laundry back and forth). More cereals than I know what to do with. Bagels (Real ones). New York style pizza and calzones. You may have noticed most of my happy thoughts since being back are food related….
We’re also getting used to how far money will go here. Reverse sticker shock is actually a thing and I have to stop myself from exclaiming every five minutes, “Do you know how much this would cost in Perth??” It’s definitely in play as we’re house hunting – we have to resist getting more house than we need simply because we can. Similarly, I have to resist eating all of the sour patch kids simply because they sold them in a 1 lb bag at Costco.
But we’re slowly learning. Getting back in the swing of driving on the right side of the road. Of being able to make legal u-turns and pay for petrol at the pump (and also to stop calling it petrol). Of being able to stream videos on more than one device (the struggle is real for Australians, people). And as for the things that will take us a little longer to learn – like where to get the best sushi and how to navigate the 13 major highways that are all seem to be called the same thing – for that, I’m just winging it…

There needs to be a moment of awe and appreciation for this dress – I couldn’t believe it when I saw her pop up in the Simply Vintage Instagram. All stripey and petal busted and appliquéd, she was calling my name. I’ve bought two other beauties from Sarah’s shop before (this one and this one), and I have to say the gal has a gift for vintage that goes straight for my Visa card.
This was one of the dresses that made The Cut – the great, big nerve-wracking decision of what would come in my suitcase, and what would be relegated to the boat. One look at those hand sewn sequins and border print, and there wasn’t a chance I was parting with her. And I’m glad I didn’t – given that I’m all kinds of metamorphosing this month, I thought the beautiful butterfly fluttering across her skirt was rather appropriate. I’m all about the subtleties of clothing and the way it can commemorate an event without anyone around you being the wiser.
In addition to finding a new car (I’m pretty sure I’ve made a decision – stay tuned!), Mr. Dressed and I also have to find the place to permanently hang our hats. Or place our zillion shoes, as the case may be. We toured two houses yesterday and have four more to see today – though we’ve seen beautiful properties, I’m not sure we’ve found our home yet. The plan is to rent for a year until we get our bearings (and learn about those pesky highways), and hopefully buy a house and put down some real roots. My shoes will be so excited.
Otherwise, I spent the week visiting what will be my lab and office (!!), researching neuroscience textbooks, and working on a digital display for a an educational exhibit of my 3D printed brains at a University Visitor’s Centre. The bonus of this being it was all done while in my pajamas, with liberal doses of Lucky Charms and the occasional Willie head scratch. I think I may be getting my groove back….
Anyone else in a state of metamorphosis?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Simply Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Headband: Forever New (similar)
Necklace: Gift (similar)
Belt: From another dress (similar)
Handbag: Treasury Vintage (similar here)
Shoes: gift, Manolo Blahnik (similar here & here)
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