What is it about a red dress? The color of fire, of passion. The kind of color that inspires songs. That turns heads when you walk into a room. it doesn’t matter what kind of week I’m having, if I can dig a red dress out of my wardrobe, suddenly I get a sassy twinkle in my eye and a smirk playing at the side of my mouth. Red is easily the color of confidence.
I must admit, I needed this red dress today. Lately, all of my carefully laid plans have fallen by the wayside in favor of chaos. I am someone who lives and dies by a schedule – with so much to do, the only way to keep from going insane is to have a million lists and carefully a planned out sequence of events. I had a plan to write a semester’s worth of lectures ahead of time, have our house unpacked and organized, keep up with my normal blogging schedule, and start the semester with my family and sanity in tact. But, this past month, with the craziness of our shipping container arriving late, my teaching schedule doing my head in, and losing Willie, I realize that “best laid plans” are best laid somewhere else.

I make no secret about the fact that I often derive power from my clothes. And I have never underestimated the power of a red dress in times of chaos. It’s funny, but it’s almost as if it can give you a kind of superpower. As if the girl in the red dress embraces rather than fears chaos and garners strength from it. Perhaps the girl in the red dress wouldn’t be so concerned with the lectures she hasn’t yet written, or the boxes that are towering around her waiting to be unpacked. She might be more concerned with a blue sky calling her name and a breeze fluttering around her skirts as she meanders downtown. While I don’t think I’ll ever be the girl who isn’t concerned with always being on time or pushing herself to be her best, perhaps today this girl will be less concerned about rules and more concerned with taking a bit of well-deserved time for herself.
So, this girl is getting herself out of the house, getting herself a haircut, and then getting herself a cocktail. Perchance I’ll stop into a favorite vintage store or dance to one of the many busking musicians lining the streets. Cause today, the girl in the red dress doesn’t have a care in the world…
Outfit Details:
Dress: Retrospect’d Kathleen dress via Look Feel Be (red still available here)
Necklace: Modcloth (similar)
Handbag: Unique Vintage, sold out (similar)
Shoes: Irregular Choice (similar here & here)
Lip Color: Jungle Red
Eye Color: Lhasa
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