If there’s one thing I love about Mondays (yes, there can be good things too. Poor Monday’s get a bad rap), it’s the idea that every week, we have a fresh start. Think about it – days themselves are rather arbitrary, but Mondays always feel like a new beginning. A chance to shake off whatever may have happened the week before and begin again. Surviving last week akin to waiting out a storm of sorts, as it was absolute madness with a To Do list that I never quite managed to shorten, despite my crossing things off with vigor. But, sometimes all you need is a mindset of a new beginning for inspiration and the determination that this will be the week that list gets shorter.
And what better way to begin a week than with a new (to me) vintage dress! I’ve actually had this beauty for a few months, but have been waiting for the rainclouds to clear and the weather to start whispering promises of Spring before I burst forth into her scalloped sweetness. The slow fading of Winter and the onset of Spring always gets me thinking about new beginnings, new opportunities, new vintage shops to discover and new friends I have yet to make. I love that moment when the chill starts to leave my bones and the sun lights upon my face and I can feel my whole being relax into the idea that a Renaissance is coming.

And suddenly you know.
It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings…
Last week came complete with several of those “All Day in the Lab” kinds of days, wishing and hoping that all went well with the previous day’s prep. One of the most difficult parts of science (particularly neuroscience) is that most protocols require about 1,256 steps and it’s not until about Step #1,255 that you find out if those preceding it actually worked… Unfortunately, I was met with a big, fat “DIDN’T WORK” sign stamped on the doorway to last week, so I’m more than happy to be leaving it behind.
So, although it’s been a crazy few weeks (who am I kidding – it’s been a crazy few MONTHS), with an endless string of conferences and travel, collaborators and experiments. I’m hoping to greet the week with renewed energy. Or, at the very least, with a positive attitude. And they always say that a positive attitude is half the battle, right?
What’s your cure for the Monday Blues?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Modern Millie Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here, here & here)
Belt: Modern Millie (email them to see if they have more in stock!)
Necklace: Swarovski, gift from the Mr. (similar here & here)
Bag: Mo-Mo’s Vintage (similar here, here & here)
Shoes: BCBG (similar here, here, & here)
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