Lately I’ve noticed I start every email with some variant of, “Apologies for my delayed reply…” or “I’m so sorry I haven’t written in awhile!” Every phone call, every coffee date, even text messages these days have a standard-letter intro in the form of an apology. I noticed it runs rampant across my fellow bloggers as well – and endless string of apologies as to why we haven’t been able to post regularly, respond to comments fast enough. I’d personally like to start a movement where all of these apologies STOP.
Let’s face it, we’re busy people. And although there are definitely reasons in work-scenarios why there are imminent deadlines and where a delayed email response can cause an actual issue, our knee jerk reaction to apologize sets us up at a disadvantage. I know that I fully understand when I don’t get an email response for a couple of weeks, cause we’ve all got stuff to do. I sympathize when my favorite bloggers haven’t posted, knowing the time it takes to go from a blank html page to a photoshoot to the writing to an actual post.
And while I feel we all know this about each other, we are so much harder on ourselves. Believing we need to be some Wonder Woman of Time, bending it to our will and cramming more in every day than was possible the day before. But, if we all agreed to acknowledge our collective busyness, and accepted the infinite, all encompassing apology once and for all, we may find ourselves feeling a little less guilty and a lot more free.

This dress is an absolute favorite I purchased from Victrola Vintage several months ago. I’ve worn it several times, but never managed to snap a picture of it – the mornings can be so chaotic and I often consider it a victory to have matching shoes most mornings. And, true to form, the last time I was chatting to the lovely Jessica, the first words out of my brain was to apologize for not photographing the dress yet. And I stopped. We don’t need to apologize for having full, active lives. For being the awesome women we are.
So, I’m going to try something new this week. Trying to catching myself anytime I utter the word “Sorry.” And unless I’ve just trod on your foot, I’m going to stop. As a chronic apologizer, this one will be tough. But I think it’s important to hold back from the constant need to justify my time, of holding myself to a standard that is impossible to meet. To step back from the endless guilt loop of never feeling caught up. To live my life and do my best, no apologies necessary.
So, here I head to another crazy busy end of week. If I find some spare time this weekend, I may take a lazy stroll downtown. Or head to the park for a picnic with the Mister. I might avoid the emails cluttering my inbox and leave my errands for another day. And you know what? I’m not sorry….
Outfit Details:
Dress: Victrola Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here, & here)
Hair Flower: c/o Maison Murasaki
Necklace: Swarovski (similar)
Handbag: Vintage hatbox (similar here)
Shoes: Seychelles (similar here & here)
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