When I was younger, I went through a phase where orange sherbet was my absolute favorite flavor of ice cream. It was quite a deviation for me, as I was up until that point a die-hard vanilla girl. And nowadays, though a bit too sickly sweet for me, a dress of a certain color will whisk me back to that summer, with drips of sunshine melting down my arms, pumping higher and higher on the swingset and spinning in the park for hours…
Certain smells, certain colors, a stranger tilting their head just so can evoke memories from the past we forgot we even had. As if they’ve always been there, just waiting for the right moment to occur so they can pop out and yell, “gotcha!” I had completely forgotten about my sherbet obsession until this perfect vintage floral dress from Simply Vintage, with a color somewhere in between buttercup yellow and nectarine, burst forth into my life and brought it all rushing back.

I‘ve often been asked what my earliest memory is – As if our memories are filed in such a way where we can rapidly flip through the stack, straight to the back of the pile, where there’s a big sign that says, “START HERE.” Due to the sheer volume of memories we all carry around with us, I’m resigned to having no hope of ever answering that question. Not only because I can be a bit chronologically challenged (and sometimes can’t recall what is an actual memory versus one I’ve created from stories I’ve been told), but mostly because it’s a bit of a mystery what very early memories are still tucked away. Lying dormant until a certain moment in time unlocks them from my past, rereleasing them into the wild of my present.
Speaking of wild, I am definitely in a frenzied pattern of activity prepping for the coming weeks. But, I’ve reached a point of crazy where I’ve actually become zen. Perhaps then this is the perfect day to take a break from the madness, don a charming vintage floral dress, and stroll through the park on my way home. Find an ice cream truck and order up an orange sherbet. If for no other reason, than to taste a bit of sunshine and remember.
What pieces of your childhood have you been thinking about lately?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Simply Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Petticoats: Malco Modes (outer) and Vivien of Holloway (inner)
Necklace: Vintage, belonged to my Grandmother (similar here & here)
Bag: c/o La Belle Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: eBay (similar)
Lip Color: Stila Color Balm lipstick, ‘Valentina’
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