Shoe Lovers Not So Anonymous

Shoe Lovers Not So Anonymous - The Dressed Aesthetic

Life is short. BUY THE SHOES. It’s no secret that I love shoes. I have a relationship with my shoes, to the point where they cheer me up when I’m having a bad day and can just as easily bring me to the depths of despair. They listen to my woes, coddle my feet when they need coddling, and occasionally attack my tootsies with a torrent of blisters not known this side up of purgatory. But I always forgive them, so deep is our love for each other.

The Ties That Bind

So, my mom has become quite the vintage huntress of late. She’s one of my biggest blogging cheerleaders and has been out and about, finding treasures that I might like to include in posts (I do nothing to dissuade her, as you’ve probably guessed). So, you can imagine my excitement when an Easter parcel appeared on our doorstep a few weeks back and it was packed full of vintage goodies! Some she had found in her travels, some were her own that I remember admiring as a child, and some stunning pieces belonged to my beloved grandmother, who we lost early…

The Truth About Neutrals

I am a frequent visitor of vintage stores (shocker, I know). I love the hunt, the feeling of discovery. My husband says I have a sixth sense and can sniff out the perfect dress in a sea of nice-but-not quite-right. I flip through the colorful racks with practiced precision, my eye towards the next great undiscovered beauty. And I’ve also come to notice an interesting phenomenon about the way I shop.

Favorites: April Appreciation

A week of leisure means I have a chance to catch up on a lot of things that get pushed to the bottom of the pile when life gets crazy. This week I’ve been catching up on blogging, on some sewing projects for myself and for my niece (who generally always gets a mini-version of anything I make for myself. Yeah, I’ll pay for that one when she’s 16…), and enjoying a lot of great (bad) tv.

One Fine Day

I’ve come to realize that I probably wouldn’t fashionably survive in a place like New York City. Not that I am not fashionable, because I definitely rock my style to her fullest potential, but because I am fundamentally opposed to wearing all black clothing. And the New Yorkers are alllll about the all black ensemble. I’ve tried before…and I literally can’t do it. My fingers start twitching and I have to add a pop color somewhere to avoid my own madness.

Van Go Go Go

I have to say, life has been absolute madness lately. It seems as if there’s no time to stop and enjoy what’s around me, because I’m always running from one place to the next. And the problem with being constantly on the go, is that stopping somehow feels wrong. In academia (aka, the world in which I dwell), you constantly have your eye on the next paper, the next project, the next deadline to meet…and as such, I have done a whole lot of working and not nearly enough lounging…

Spotlight On: Capsule Vintage

Once every month or so, I’m turning the Spotlight On some of my favorite vintage treasure troves – both local and online – and give you a bit of insight into the shop owners and their curation process (see last month’s feature here). Today’s spotlight is on one of my very favorite etsy shops: Capsule Vintage. One question I am hands-down asked most often is: Where on EARTH do you find these dresses?? To find out the answer to this question, read on….

Mint Cream Dream

I love trying unique color combinations. Although mint and red is certainly not groundbreaking, there’s something very eye catching about it that seems to catch people off guard. I always manage to garner looks (well, more than usual) as I go skipping down the street in a sweet confection of minty-red goodness. I can’t tell if it’s the poofy skirt, the polka dot heels, or if people are just trying to work out whether I’m a few months late for Christmas and a few bulbs shy of a Christmas tree…

the JAWESOME sewing project

I always seem to have quite the adventure when I embark on a dressmaking project and this latest was no exception. This one in particular combined two of my favorite things: sewing and shark biology. Though the impetus is usually different, in general my dresses go from some sort of idea that’s been tickling at the back of my head for awhile until the perfect opportunity arises… Warning: Photo heavy post ahead!

The Lust List #2

Because it was so popular last month, I’ve decided to continue sharing my current Lust List (you can see last month’s list here). Whether I’m standing in line to get my coffee, unwinding at the end of the day, or trying to coax my eyelids open in the morning, there are always beautiful things to peruse. I suppose that’s the wonderment (and the curse, according to my Visa card) that is the internet…