There’s a big part of me that gets a complete kick out of dressing in themes. And I don’t mean in a costume sense (though I can rock a Dorothy moment like nobodies’ business). I mean that if I see a seaside print I start having visions of starfish necklaces and glittery seafoam heels. Florals instantly have me reaching for a butterfly purse. Red gingham and I simply can’t help but don my apple necklace and a basket bag, just to look like a human picnic.
I also can’t resist a novelty print. So, the minute I saw this dress from Mill Street Vintage, I knew I was a goner. She ticks all of my boxes: the full skirt, the bare shoulders. But it was really all about the print. Parasols and bows and everything sweet and fluttery and ladylike. My mind instantly went to Scarlet O’Hara and sunlit strolls. And so when it came to style her, my theme instincts kicked in and there was no question in my mind that a parasol print dress simply must come with her own parasol…

Spin the parasol three times and repeat after me:
I shield in the name of fashion.
I accessorize for one and all.
Pursuit of truth is my passion.
This I vow by the great parasol.
Gail Carriger
Right now my theme should be: Tired. This past week I ventured westward and attended one of my very favorite annual shark conferences (and yes, my shark purse was a permanent fixture on my person). But, it’s always the kind of conference where you feel rejuvenated for science. Unfortunately, the rejuvenation is on hold, as my trip home was pretty eventful, resulting in multiple flight delays and my poor tired self falling into bed well after 3am. Coupled with many late night conversations and one particularly raucous end-of-conference banquet where I danced like a happy fool, I feel like succumbing to my bed right now far more than my science.
So, I’m in a bit of a state of recovery, while simultaneously trying to kick into high gear for the semester ahead. I’ll be teaching a Marine Biology course, which I’m pretty excited about because it means I will have an opportunity to yammer on about sharks (my neuroscience students weren’t quite sure what to do with all of my shark stories). Not to mention the endless number of theme outfits that instantly come to mind. Something tells me I won’t be able to resist the plethora of shark dresses, crab purses, and fish necklaces that reside in my wardrobe.
Hey, I’m nothing if not reliable.
Outfit Details:
Dress: Mill Street Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Parasol: Trashy Diva
Handbag: Wildfell Hall Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: Jessica Simpson (similar here & here)
Lip Color: Schiap
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