The ocean is and will forever be in my blood. Ever since I was a kid, you simply couldn’t get me out of the waves. And I grew up in New England, where the sea is not known for being a friend to those of us who like to avoid hypothermia. Even still, I would swim until my fingers became pruney and I was nearly cooked like a lobster in the sun, simultaneously shivering from the cold. But, I loved it. And through to adulthood, whenever I was having a terrible day, I would find solace in the ocean and throw my problems out to sea.
Lucky for me my profession, by necessity, means we will always live on the coast. I’ve definitely moved a lot in my life, but have claimed a new ocean each time. So, whenever I see a seascape print dress, like the pull of the ocean, I am nearly powerless to resist (case in point). I even own this dresses’ twin sister and will likely never part with either of them. The salty sea air, the sound of seagulls cackling a warning, the most perfect vintage border print dress – they are the smells, sounds and sights that are always calling me home.

I have always been fascinated by the ocean, to dip a limb beneath its surface and know that I’m touching eternity, that it goes on forever until it begins here again.
L. DeStefano, Wither
Like the sea, I can sort of feel work starting to call me back a bit. Though I have another week of break, things are starting to crank and churn back at the lab, and I will admit I am answering the occasional email and scheduling the occasional meeting for when I’m back. No matter how relaxing and wonderful, vacation can’t last forever. Though I can definitely take comfort in the fact that I get to sleep in for another week!
So, in this perfect seaside border print dress, I might find my way to the shore this afternoon. Breathe in a bit of salty air; feel the sand between my toes. And appreciate the sea and all her inhabitants, till the day I can rejoin her again.
Outfit Details:
Dress: Butch Wax Vintage (similar modern (reproduced print!) and vintage here, here & here
Bolero: Bonzie (in silver silk)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar here & here)
Necklace: Gift (similar)
Handbag: Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: Madden Girl (similar here & here)
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