One of Mr. Dressed’s and my favorite down time activities is to curl up on the couch, pour a glass of top shelf scotch, and kick some serious butt in Mario Kart (the degree of butt kicking often directly corresponding to amount of scotch). We recently acquired a Wii U thanks to our last tax returns, and despite the plethora of options when it comes to the superhero/street fighting/crime solving games out there, I admit I’m a bit of a traditionalist. Mario & Luigi all the way.
During these times of fierce competition, another character (or your loving, treacherous husband) can zoom their car behind you and get a bit of a boost in your slipstream. And though it can vex me in the game, I realized that would be a handy feature to have in life. Like birds in formation, just when you’ve reached the point of exhaustion, you can fall behind for a minute and rely on your fellow comrades to give you a boost.

This paisley number is my latest acquisition from local shop Oh Henry Vintage. I can rarely pass up a good border print and love supporting local businesses. One of my favorite things about Perth is the vintage community – how we all support each other and provide a much-needed boost on occasion. From charitable work done by the Perth Pinup Community, to vintage shops recommending each another to would-be customers, to mentions on our blogs and social media platforms, to just knowing a certain dress will suit a certain someone perfectly. It goes a long way to creating a sense of community and belonging.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how we all want to believe we only need to rely on ourselves – but we don’t get to where we are solo. No matter how much of an independent maverick I want to see myself as, I will be the first to admit I am only as good as the people around me. From the people closest to me to the strangers I pass every day on my way to work.
So, as I’m darting in and out of life’s traffic today, I’m giving thanks to my fellow travelers. Who occasionally merge together and peel off, heading to their own destinations. Who honk and yell and have road-rage moments, but who also sing like a fool when the right song comes on the radio. Who let me move into their slipstream once in awhile. Who matter.
Let’s go stop traffic today…
Outfit Details:
Dress: Oh Henry Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Necklace: c/o The Vintage Studio (similar here)
Headband: Forever New (similar here & here)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar here)
Vanity Case: Lancome (similar here & here)
Shoes: Versace, thrifted (similar here & here)
Lip Color: Schiap
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