The last two weeks saw this busy bunny taking to the skies again. My latest work adventure found me in Seattle to meet with some potential new collaborators. And a trip to the Pacific Northwest isn’t possible without your mind going to salmon. They have one of the biggest salmon fisheries in the world and, I have to say, they are mighty tasty. Given that they were on my mind, it’s no coincidence that this salmon-hued vintage frock, bought years ago from Dear Golden Vintage, swam it’s way up and out of my closet this weekend.
I know marine biology isn’t necessarily everyone’s thang, but my nerdy curiosity was piqued during this trip and I did learn a think or two about salmon in between dodging raindrops. Though we don’t get a sense of it when they’re sitting on a plate, these fishes are seriously hardcore. As juvenile fish, they hang out with their buds in the river, and later migrate out of their safe riverbed into the big blue ocean as adults. When it’s time to spawn (a.k.a. find a nice lady salmon and settle down), they actually return to the very river where they were born, fight their way to the upper reaches of the river, and do their business. And at the end of their salmon days, they are safely tucked into the knowledge that they fought the good fight (well, swam the good swim), overcame some hurdles, and made it where they always belonged.
Maybe salmon have figured out a thing or two that we haven’t…

I think we can all feel as though we’re swimming upstream from time to time. Running ourselves ragged and not necessarily feeling like we’re making any progress. Personally, getting back on track after TWO major overseas trips in under four weeks definitely feels like I’m swimming upstream in a river with some serious current. And really, the foggy head and the post-travel runny nose does not for a good scientist make. But, if the salmon are anything to go by, there is an ultimate purpose.
The life cycle of a salmon mimics our own in so many ways – venturing out into the world as adults, changing our appearance and habits, trying to find ourselves within a few of life’s crazy adventures, before settling on what we really want and fighting tooth and nail to get it. There is something so comforting in imagining those salmon fighting so hard with all of their fishy might – they really have to push hard to achieve what most of the non-salmon haters probably classified as a crazy, out-of-reach goal. But you have to admire the absolute certainty with which they find their way home.
And dear friends, I have made my way home yet again. Thankfully, I’m facing a less-intense-than-normal week, which will help get me back into the swing of things.
What goal are you swimming towards this week?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Dear Golden (similar modern or vintage here & here & same dress in blue!)
Necklace: Jasmine’s (similar here & here)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Handbag: Gift (similar here & here)
Shoes: Forever New (similar here & here)
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