Posts Tagged“basket bag”

Gone Astray: The Case of the Missing Suitcase

Gone Astray: The Case of the Missing Suitcase - The Dressed Aesthetic

Recently, I was on a bit of a whirlwind trip around the States, for work, then play, then work again. When I travel, as I’m sure is true for most of us, I like to bring my favorite things: The dress you always feel amazing in, my go-to shoes that go with everything (and never cause blisters), my most essential toiletries. I pack the things that are so much  part of my life that they’re almost an extension of me.  

Down the Rabbit Hole

Down the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve been known to chase my fair share of rabbits into Vintage Wonderland. Despite the resolutions every so often that I’m cutting back on vintage purchases or enforcing a spending ban (I swear I mean them at the time), pieces like these will swan across my retinas and suddenly I’m completely powerless. I mean, the perfect border print dress? A vintage wicker novelty handbag shaped like a BUNNY? Show me the rabbit hole and wish me luck – I fall every time.

Barbershop Quartet

Barber Shop Quartet - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’m not sure why, but the stripes on this dress have always reminded me of the pole that sits outside of old school barbershops. When the barber’s striped pole spins, it creates a visual illusion, where it appears as if the stripes are moving up or down the pole. I kind of like the idea of a dress in constant motion, as if by spinning and spinning you’re never risking stagnancy. Always moving forward or backward, but never staying in one place for too long.

The Earth Laughs in Flowers

The Earth Laughs in Flowers - The Dressed Aesthetic

One of my favorite Emerson quotes has always been, “The Earth Laughs in Flowers.” The very idea that a bud pushing through the earth is like a giggle escaping, until it reaches full bloom of laughter, always makes me smile. If Emerson is right, then this amazing Souré bag from Poppycock Vintage has succumbed to a full belly laugh, hand clenched to her side, with tears streaming down her face. And her blooms perfectly matched the smirk of this Tuesday Rose Vintage dress, who’s embroidered flowers are about to bubble over in mirth.

In Retrospec’d…

In Retrospec'd - The Dressed Aesthetic

Do you ever have one of those dresses that simply makes you feel good? That every time you look at it in your wardrobe, you just know that when you slip it on, it’ll do it’s job. It miraculously won’t ever be too loose or too tight, irrespective of your ice cream intake the week before. It somehow manages to be ready for whatever life occasion you throw at it – from work with a cardigan, to a garden party with a parasol, to an evening out in glittery heels.

A Major Plus: #styleforall

A Major Plus - The Dressed Aesthetic

I was browsing online to pass the time, and I came across a piece on the Modcloth blog that said they were eliminating the Plus Size category. I quickly read the details, which detailed that they were still carrying clothing in extended size ranges, but that they were banishing the term “Plus Size” from their website. Though some might see this as a pretty small step forward in the scheme of things, I sat back and realized this was a big, major deal.

Lust List #8

Lust List #8 - The Dressed Aesthetic

It’s that time of year where it feels as if we’re barreling towards Christmas at lightening speed. What is it about the end of September that turns my eyes towards the next year already? I want to put on the brakes – I have way too much 2015 business to attend to before 2016 starts beckoning me towards her. I have, however, made the time for one of my very favorite blog features…

Faerie Lights

Given the amount of traveling I’ve done in my life, I realized I’ve spent nearly a decade in the Southern Hemisphere. The majority of my time has been in Australia and New Zealand, and while they are both thankfully English speaking countries, I swear they need to come complete with a translation guide. My recent trip to New Zealand this past week had me reaching into the recesses of my brain for the kiwi colloquialisms I once knew so well, even though it had been nearly a decade since I’d lived there.