Posts Tagged“fashion”

Party Animal

Party Animal - The Dressed Aesthetic

Truth be told, I’ve never been much of a party animal. Now, I can go out and let my hair down on occasion with the best of ’em, and certainly pulled a few all nighters back in the day, but it was never the place I felt most myself. Even in college I far preferred a night in with friends, binge watching our favorite movies, than a visit to a frat party. I always wanted quiet conversation over loud nights with strangers (or occasionally loud conversation over silent, awkward first dates). People have always said I was an old soul,…

Rabbit Fever

Rabbit Fever - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve oddly found myself drawn to rabbit-themed items lately – it’s inexplicable, as Easter is months away and, although fluffy and cute, I’m not sure I would even count bunnies in my Top 10 list of animals. And yet, this Kate Spade handbag somehow hippity-hopped off of the cyber pages and onto my arm recently. And my very-favorite whimsical Irregular Choice bunny wedges seemed to shout at me from inside my closet this morning. What the bunny foo foo is going on?

{Review} Got the Munchies? With Teacup Girl

{Review} Got the Munchies? With Teacup Girl

Ever since I could remember, I was a fan of accessories – color and bling, they can frost a gal like nothing else can. When I was younger, I was a complete magpie, ferreting out the necklaces, bracelets and rings from every store that I went into. As I grew and really came into my vintage-loving own, I discovered an unsung hero in the world of accessories: The Brooch.

{Giveaway) Winners of the BellaSous Giveaway!

{Giveaway} Halloween with Malco Modes & Bellasous - The Dressed Aesthetic

My BellaSous Giveaway has ended and the winners of either a #416 or #417 BellaSous crinoline has been chosen! I know many of you have been on pins and needles waiting for the results (now that you mention it – so am I!). Firstly, I would like to thank Malco Modes & BellaSous for sponsoring this amazing giveaway. I have many of their crinolines gracing my closet and have loved working with them to bring them into yours!

Shark Week

Shark Week - The Dressed Aesthetic

I know what you’re thinking. “But Kara! Shark Week was MONTHS ago.” Well, dear readers, it’s time I come clean: In my world of marine biology and shark neuroscience, every week is shark week. And in true shark week fashion, I could think of no better option than to finally burst forth in a vintage novelty print I have hunted for years, but only just managed to recently acquire…


This has been a very odd week. Our University has reopened, which brings with it the positives of getting back to a routine and seeing for myself that my students are alright and that my campus community is slowly rebuilding. But, the stress around me is palpable, as we all wander around in a stupor of coming to terms with our new reality and our new surroundings. Trying to stay positive, but falling victim to the shock and subsequent guilt (at how lucky I was) in equal measure. This, coupled with an emotionally charged week where I realized just how…

Power Suit

Power Suit - The Dressed Aesthetic

I have always ascribed to the belief that getting dressed every morning is a bit of a joyous occasion. I stand before my closet, coffee in hand, and wonder who’s story I get to be a part of today. Will I opt for short and flippy, floral and feminine, or dark and mysterious? Will I reach for an uber modern shoe or a 40’s inspired Mary Jane? Simple or statement? One crinoline or two? And then the most important question: do I feel powerful? If the answer is yes, then I go forth and conquer the day.

Gowns by Roberta

Gowns by Roberta - The Dressed Aesthetic

Something I have always been very passionate about is shopping small. Supporting small business owners and helping to build up a community of eclectic places to source gifts, clothing, and homewares makes me feel as though I’m doing my part, however small, to support the actual people behind those shops. Unlike a big box retailer, I like knowing there’s a face behind my purchase, doing a little happy dance when my order comes through. 

She’s My Cherry Pie

She's My Cherry Pie - The Dressed Aesthetic

If my heart belongs to vintage, my soul definitely belongs to shoes. As you’ve no doubt noticed over the years, I have a love for novelty shoes and accessories. And if those items happen to be shoes and accessories masquerading as food of some sort, I simply can’t resist. You may have noticed one brand in particular, Shoe Bakery, tends to grace the area south of my ankles more often than any other. So, I thought it was high time to give you a bit of insight into all of their amazingness.