Posts Tagged“fashion”

Pink Lemonade

Pink Lemonade - The Dressed Aesthetic

There are certain types of clothing I just can’t resist. By now, you’ve realized that includes border prints. Full skirts. 1950’s deadstock. Like Pavlov’s dog, I hear the bell of vintage ring and I’m ready to answer (and drool appropriately). But, my other weakness (for some odd reason) is fruit-adorned anything. Give me a peach tree bag. Blueberry embroidery. Ice cream heels. Put fruit on it or make it resemble something consumable and the world goes fuzzy around the edges as I dreamily reach for my Visa card….

Spring Swing

Spring Swing - The Dressed Aesthetic

With the worldwide kerfuffle that seems to be happening with the weather lately, I almost forget that there’s a plus side to cooler weather hanging around the party longer than is polite: I get to bust out some of my favorite vintage swing coats! And I have to be honest, a beauty like this embroidered Bataldi swing coat from La Belle Vintage kind of makes me long for an eternal winter…

{Review} Barbie World:
Unique Vintage Barbie Collection Swing Skirt

{Review} Barbie World: Unique Vintage Barbie Collection Swing Skirt

As is probably true of most little girls, I had an impressive collection of Barbies when I was younger. Although there’s a lot of discussion on whether or not Barbies set up unrealistic body image, I never looked at them that way. My Barbie’s were my opportunity to have grown up adventures. To travel the world while staying safely in the playroom in our attic. To try my hand at making clothes and experimenting with fashion. To fancy myself a hairdresser, usually with disastrous results. They represented the world that sat just outside of my microcosm, ready and waiting for…

{Favorites} Quarter Year Craziness

{Favorites} Quarter Year Craziness - The Dressed Aesthetic

Phew, what an amazing first quarter of the year this has been! I swear, I blinked the day after Christmas and suddenly found myself in April. Now, April is one of the best times of year in my world. Firstly, it’s when the weather here in NC stops being fickle and turns plain lovely. Secondly, it’s the final month of the semester – all of us Professors have a bit more bounce in our step, as the end of the madness is in sight!

Me, Myself & Eyelet

Me, Myself & Eyelet - The Dressed Aesthetic

There are all kinds of people in the world. Introverts. Extroverts. Dreamers. Realists. Sports fanatics and ballet enthusiasts. The butchers, the bakers, The candlestick makers. And there are those who thrive on being around people. Who love the frenetic pulse of a crowd and, should they find a moment to themselves, have a burst of energy to call someone immediately and head out. And though I love spending time with my husband, have definitely been blessed with an amazing set of friends, and can certainly hold my own at a party, truth be told some of my very favorite moments are…

{Giveaway} And the Winner Is…..

{Giveaway} And the Winner Is - The Dressed Aesthetic

At long last, my 3-year Blog-a-versary Giveaway has ended and the winner of the $100 Etsy gift card has been chosen! I know many of you have been on pins and needles waiting for the results (now that you mention it – so am I!). Firstly, I would like to thank Etsy for sponsoring this amazing giveaway. They have been huge supporters of my blog from the start and I have loved working closely with them over the years.

{Review} Caffeination Nation:
Vendula London Coffee Truck Grab Bag

{Review} Caffeination Nation: Vendula London Coffee Truck Grab Bag - The Dressed Aesthetic

I have and will forever be enamored with novelty bags. Although some people like their neutrals. Their satchels and holdalls. I sail right past those bags to the ones shaped like a piece of fruit or woodland creature. Which is why I squirm like an eager puppy every time Vendula London comes out with their latest range. If you haven’t heard of them before, Vendula is known for making amazing vegan-friendly novelty bags of all shapes and sizes.

Checks Please

Checks Please - The Dressed Aesthetic

Dressing for transitional seasons is always a bit of a challenge – it seems to easy to find summer sundresses and winter coats, but finding the perfect look for spring & autumn is always a little tenuous. I’ve had my fair share of misjudging morning temperatures only to end up freezing or roasting hot by the end of the day. The struggle is real people…

{Giveaway} 3-Year Blog-a-versary!

{Giveaway} 3-Year Blog-a-versary - The Dressed Aesthetic

Well folks, it’s upon us once again. I can hardly believe how old my baby is getting, but The Dressed Aesthetic has officially turned 3! It’s crazy to think I’ve been clamoring away on these keys for three whole years, but every time I get to yet another milestone, I’m overwhelmed by gratitude for all of you who make my little corner of the internet possible.

{Review} Finding the Lost : Introducing The Dress Form

{Review} Finding the Lost : Introducing The Dress Form - The Dressed Aesthetic

There are a few things in this life that make me ridiculously happy – stumbling upon a coffee shop that only has espresso on the menu, yet still manages to not take itself too seriously. Finding a vintage novelty printed skirt in an op shop selling for a song. And discovering a new vintage store, a veritable treasure trove of undiscovered pieces of history.