Posts Tagged“fashion”

Waiting to Bloom

Waiting to Bloom - The Dressed Aesthetic

I was chatting with the ladies at work the other day, and admitted that I never dress for the weather. Instead, I dress for the weather I want. Lately, I’ve found myself squinting at the cloudy skies and pelting rain and defiantly pulling out my sunniest yellow dresses and most vibrant florals. Cold air may reign, but my rose printed vintage dresses are putting up a good fight. Regardless of the fact that Mother Nature is taking her sweet old time, no matter how grey the day may get, you can just peek into my office and see Spring just…

{Review} Unique Vintage Lavender Ruffled Tulle Cupcake Swing Dress

{Review} Unique Vintage Lavender Ruffled Tulle Cupcake Swing Dress - The Dressed Aesthetic

When I was in high school, my prom was a bit of a non-event. I had actually asked a guy friend from another school to go with me, who backed out at the last minute (quite literally – he backed out the night I was waiting for him to turn up). I still went with a group of friends, and in what felt like both abject humiliation and youthful defiance, brought a blow up parrot as my “date.” Yes, you read that right. Prom photos and all! Although I remember having a good time, there is a part of me…

Horn Sweet Home

There are a lot of interesting things about any given workday for me. I work with sharks + brains + students – so some might say every day is an adventure. But, as much as I love my job, so full of discoveries and an exciting frenetic pace, the best part of my day is still that moment when I pull into the driveway. Because each day, without fail, my husband will hear the telltale sound of the garage door and will come out to greet me. Sometimes, he’ll do a funny “welcome home” dance in the doorway, which always makes…

Mellow Yellow

Mellow Yellow - The Dressed Aesthetic

When I was little, my mom lived to dress me in blue – probably because it matched my eyes. And each Christmas, unwrapping would always reveal blue garments for me and red for my sister (she can really rock red). You might think I’d rebel when I got older and abhor blue. But, to this day if someone asks me what my favorite color is, “blue” always comes out. 

All Loved Up & Somewhere to Go

All Loved Up & Somewhere to Go - The Dressed Aesthetic

I know that Valentine’s Day gets a bit of a bad rep. There are a lot of people who wish they could jump from Feb 13th to Feb 15th, pretending the day never existed. Assaulted by photos of happy couples, pink and red glitter hearts everywhere, gooey saccharine poetry. I can definitely understand how that can get wearing. But after the events of this past week, I have to say I feel like we all could use an extra bit of love.

Curtain Call

Curtain Call - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve had a love for theatre ever since I was really young. I was definitely the shy, quiet kid who found herself amongst like-minded misfits. Theatre tends to attract other creative souls who want nothing more than to be themselves and somehow find it in becoming someone else for a few hours. I made some of the best friends of my life in those shows: performing, stage managing, painting sets, and flipping through racks in the costume closet. And there was something magic about the curtain call. Not just the feeling of being applauded for something I truly loved. But,…

Rainy Day Hues

Rainy Day Hues - The Dressed Aesthetic

There is a lot of clothing in our life that is utilitarian. Winter coats. Pajamas. Gardening gloves. Certain items that are necessary in life. And because they’re necessary, they don’t always have an awful lot of flavor. But I am of the mind that, in the case of utilitarian clothing, I have just one rule: If I must wear it, dear god let it be cute!

Sock Hopped

Sock Hop - The Dressed Aesthetic

I think we all have learned to recognize those iconic silhouettes. Whether you are a student of fashion or simply a student of pop culture, I think you all have an image you can conjure when you hear a certain era. Most people hear the 1920’s and picture a perfect flapper dress, all twinkly fringe in a Great Gatsby Wonderland. You hear the 70’s and picture bright colors atop a perfect pair of flares, with flavors of disco and freedom. And you hear the 50’s and, from wiggle dresses to Dior New Look, there’s an unmistakeable silhouette that comes to…

Sea Farer

Sea Farer - The Dressed Aesthetic

It’s been a really, really long time since I shopped for an event. And by that, I don’t mean it’s been a really long time since I shopped (she laughs riotously internally). I mean, I can’t remember the last time I bought a dress because I had a wedding to attend. Or a fancy date night on the weekend. An important work meeting. And trust me, I have a lot of all of those things on the horizon. But, I realize I’ve fallen into the pattern of buying things when they speak to me. And inevitably, the event always follows….