Posts Tagged“greater goods vintage”

Frolic Time!

Frolic Time - The Dressed Aesthetic

Although I love the outside of a dress – the fabric, the detail, the embellishments – the sewing nerd in me will always love the parts you can’t see. The interior construction, the seam finishes, the thought put into the woman who may want to customize her. I also love when you can tell a dressmaker had a bit of a sense of humor. While I originally fell in love with this Greater Goods Vintage dress for her purply stripes, what truly stole my heart was the label within…

Call Me Maybe

Call Me Maybe - The Dressed Aesthetic

Having a network of fellow vintage-lovers around the world means not only to we get to share in each other’s passions and celebrate ourĀ incredible finds in dusty cellars and treasures tucked in the back of antique shops, but we start to get a sense of each other’s tastes and the kinds of dresses that makes each other’s hearts beat a bit faster. The advent of the internet also means we’re able to connect with vintage sellers around the world, where friendships can be born that would have never existed 10 years ago.